Saturday 22 February 2020

124 undertale - tucker ghostson tonight

Dear Readers,

The next room seemed like a dead end or an elevator. There was some weird square thing on the wall and a note on the ground.

Again, I couldn't make it out very well but I got "drain... dropped it...". That's all.

The red key fit into the slot in the square on the wall. I guess that note was talking about the Memoryheads.

With nowhere else to go I backtracked to the lobby. The door had the red colour lit now and the door with the arrows was glowing red. I was able to open this one and go through.

In the next hallway I came across the twelfth entry. Alphys wrote nothing was happening and she didn't know what to do. She was just going to keep injecting everything with "determination." She wanted this to work.

Yikes... is that what created those horrifying Memoryhead things?

The next monitor had the thirteenth entry. Alphys wrote one of the bodies opened its eyes.

That was it. That was the entry.

The hallway led into a room with beds. There was an empty dog food bowl here too as well as fake plants. The fourteenth entry was here too. Alphys wrote that everyone that had fallen down had woken up. They were all walking around and talking like nothing was wrong. She thought they were goners and she ended with a big question mark about it.

I checked the beds. The centre right one had something under the sheets. I had the option to check it out which was a very Silent Hill-like prompt! I said Yes and revealed... a yellow key! I put it on my keychain.

The bottom left bed looked comfy and the sheets were down. I got the option to lie on it and I said Yes. I got into the bed and the music stopped...

Suddenly this super creepy white figure appeared next to the bed. It was shaped like a matchstick with a bulbous head. A smaller figure extended out from its body towards me and it would've looked extremely suggestive if it had been any lower! It stopped extending... then it grabbed the sheets and pulled them up over me before patting me on the head. Aw :) a friendly non-perverted ghost! I was able to do this again and again too. Couldn't catch it in the act though. Ha ha :)

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