Sunday 23 February 2020

125 undertale - frankenstein monster bird thing

Dear Readers,

From the True Lab bedroom, there was a hallway that continued east and a doorway to the north.

I headed east into a room with lots of flowers. They were all blooming despite how dark and murky it was. Some mirrors here too. More monitors with Alphys entries too.

The seventh entry was here. Alphys wrote that they'd need a vessel to wield the monster souls when the time came. She said a monster couldn't absorb the souls of other monsters, just as a human couldn't absorb another human's soul. She wondered about something that was neither human nor monster.

Something like the flowers in this room?

The tenth entry was here. Alphys wrote that the experiments on the vessel were a failure as it didn't seem to be any different from the control cases. She was like whatever, as they were a hassle to work with anyway. She said the seeds just stick to you and they wouldn't let go.

I kept walking past the flowers and mirrors, expecting something to jump out. Suddenly, something did! It was the "!" indicator above my head! It turned into a huge white creature and attacked me!

This creature had like a bird head and a long lanky body. Its eye was also like a mouth and its body and wings seemed to take the shape of other monsters. I checked it and got a load of garbage text! The enemy attack screen just showed a white figure with loads of moths swamping it! I tried Pray and it regained its conscience. It attacked when that same pattern of moths flew out in all directions. I tried Mystify and it shot copies of its head at me. I tried Hum but nothing heard me. I tried Clean but nothing happened either. It seemed to be asking me what was I afraid of, or at least that's what it looked like under the gibberish. I tried Pick On and it finally remembered something. It spoke with three voices but they were all clear. It seemed to be a Frankenstein monster of three different monsters I met before, near the start of the game including Froggit. It became identified as Reaper Bird as well. At that point I was able to spare it.

Whew... it took a lot of my HP. I continued into the next room. It had another one of those slots and a note that just said "cold..." along with some unreadable stuff.

I checked the switch and it was blue. I only had a yellow one... Maybe I had to make it blue with the cold? I backtracked to the bedroom.

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