Tuesday 25 February 2020

127 undertale - save point? more like grave point!

Dear Readers,

After dealing with that horror in the bathtub, I went back out into the hallway and continued to the west. In this next room was a huge bug-like skull with pincers and metal pipes coming out of it.

There was a save point here but when I checked it, it had a smiley face! It morphed into a Starman-like figure and attacked! It was more like a grave point!

This creature had huge pulsating seed-like teeth, a slimy slug body and a beefy arm like the one Aaron has. It would open its eyes and bare its teeth as well. Pretty gross! It also smelled like lemons. This one was revealed straight away to be Lemon Bread. I tried Flex and about 12 different voices said "welcome to my special hell" before using the whole attack screen as its sharp teeth filled mouth! Pretty monstrous! Call didn't work either.

The next attack killed me.

I tried again and tried Scream. That didn't work either. I tried humming and it attacked by shooting weird flashing circle things out of its eyes. I trued Unhug and it did the same attack. It killed me again. Then I tried Cry and that didn't do any good either.

I stuck with the Hum strategy. I could only do it once though and I got killed again. After a couple of more deaths I sussed I had to use Hum, Flex and Unhug, though not in any order. It remembered something and then I was able to spare it.

Wow what a creepy creature and I died to it a lot. It really was like a grave point. It was asking stuff like "Do you think I'm pretty?" Brrr!

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