Monday 24 February 2020

126 undertale - creepy swinging thing in the bathtub

Dear Readers,

After finding the blue switch, I backtracked to the bedroom and went through the door. The path split into two. I took the left path and looked at the Alphys entry.

It was the fifteenth entry. Alphys wrote that it seemed like this research was a dead end. She said at least they got a happy ending out of it, ending with a question mark. She sent the souls back to Asgore and returned the vessel to his garden. She then called all the families and told them everyone was alive. She said she'd send everyone back on the next day, ending with a smiley face.

I continued left and came across the sixteenth entry. Alphys wrote... well... it was just a bunch of "NO"s, as if she was panicking.

Yikes. Looks like she was ending it on a happy note but then something bad happened, whatever that was.

Further on was a door, but the hallway also continued. I went through the door and the music stopped. In this room there was a purple curtain and the silhouette of some weird swinging thing with a long neck and a bulbous head. It was making this really creepy echoey sound as well.

I walked forward and my movement was slowed down a lot! My character must've been terrified! As I got closer, the figure swung around much faster!

I finally pulled the curtain and... nothing. Not even a noise. Just a green key in a bathtub, which I took and added to my keychain.

Very creepy! Cool horror effect though. I went back out into the hallway.

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