Friday 7 February 2020

109 undertale - developing strategies against asgore

Dear Readers,

I took breaks and had more attempts to fight Asgore, but he still killed me a lot. I decided to look at his movements a bit closer and tried to develop some strategies.

Hands & Fire. The first one I just move to the right. Other ones I have to wait and go around rounds of fire, stepping to the side so they won't be unavoidable.

Blue and Orange attacks. Just follow the tells and repeat, moving for orange and not moving for blue.

Spiral fire rain. Tricky. Go in front of where they meet because they'll split off again.

Warning fire rain. Avoid the torrential downpours but try and focus on the regular rain because it's very tricky to concentrate on both.

Hurricane fire wave. Very fast and tricky to go alongside the waves of fire while having to change lanes now and again to avoid getting cornered.

Narrowing circle of bullets. Staying as close to the centre as possible is probably the best strategy here since the openings will be nearer to reach. The circles rotate faster as the battle goes on!

Again, I have to start with the three talk actions every time to get his attack and defence down as well.

I found it very hard to get anywhere without using healing items. I started using some and it helped a lot. I wasn't sure if I should've been sparing them or not.

Of course, the one vital thing was to stay determined :)

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