Tuesday 11 February 2020

113 undertale - my determination to not kill flowey

Dear Readers,

The defeated Flowey hung their wilted petals, leaving me with the choices of FIGHT or MERCY. I chose MERCY. After all, I was still playing pacifist...

Flowey peeked from under their petals and asked what I was doing? Did I really think they learned anything from this? They said no.

I had the choice again! I chose Mercy again.

Flowey said sparing them wouldn't change anything. They said killing them was the only way to end this.

I chose Mercy again.

Flowey turned even more to me and said if I let them live, they would come back.

Flowey had a bruised but still grinning face.

I chose Mercy again.

Flowey said they'd kill me.

I chose Mercy again.

Flowey widened their eyes, saying they'd kill everyone.

I chose Mercy again.

Flowey grinned wider, saying they would kill everyone I loved.

I chose Mercy again.

Flowey had nothing to say. I continued choosing Mercy.

Flowey looked confused, then annoyed, asking me why?

I chose Mercy again.

Flowey asked why was I being so nice to them? They looked less grinny now and more sad.

I chose Mercy again.

Flowey said they couldn't understand.

I chose Mercy again.

Flowey said again they couldn't understand.

I chose Mercy again.

The atmospheric wind stopped and Flowey said they just couldn't understand.

Flowey then ran away and I was finally outside the battle screen once more, standing in the spot that looked like where I met Flowey at first.

This was no doubt another test of determination :)

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