Monday 10 February 2020

112 undertale - insane flowey fight!

Dear Readers,

The battle with Flowey was NOT turn based! It was also very hard to note all the insane things happening during it. I'll talk about some things!

Flowey's attacks were just relentless. They were just this huge pulsating monster filling the screen with attacks and bullets and everything. The music was all fast paced and insane too.

Occasionally, a warning would appear and I would go to a different screen, avoiding some patterned obstacles. First was spinning swords, next were spinning hands, then tapping shoes.... and an ACT button would appear where I could call for help. The obstacles would then turn green, allowing me to heal up!

This was very much like the Pray option in EarthBound's last battle :)

After healing, it would go back to the insanity that was Flowey, throwing everything at me.

I died after the tapping shoes sequence where it showed the GAME OVER screen. It was very different now, with Asgore's voice saying this was just a bad dream and then Flowey said I was never waking up! They filled the screen with giant maniacal HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAs like they were the Joker and things glitched again.

Then Flowey asked if I really thought they'd be satisfied killing me only ONE time?

I got killed again and the same thing happened. Lots of laughing in my face again.

Then there was a sequence with words flying across the screen. A lot of negative ones until the ACT button appeared. Then they turned green with much more positive words. Then it was back to Flowey.

It got even more disorienting when Flowey was doing this save state restoring thing where I appeared on different parts of the screen while I was avoiding their attacks. I thought for a while I was at the start of the fight again but...

The next sequence had a load of frying pans dropping stuff onto me until one of them was the ACT button. I picked the button and it all turned green again.

Another sequence, the yellow one was the gun, shooting bullets until it shot out an ACT button and it shot out healing bullets instead.

Just then, Flowey's rectangle TV box head thing appeared and all the souls came out of it. They circled around me and shot all their healing green items at me from before!

Then it went back to Flowey shooting all the stuff at me as usual. Healing stuff was now appearing as well as the FIGHT box regularly and their defence fell to 0!

I scrambled around, dodging, healing, fighting, while a more hopeful version of the music played... eventually Flowey lost all HP!

They screamed NO! This CAN'T be happening!

Suddenly their grinning face appeared again and loaded tons of save states, attacking me over and over and locking me into place, laughing at me.

They held me in place with their bullets surrounding me. They asked if I really thought I could defeat them?! They said they were the god of this world! They said I was hopeless!

That shadowy Game Boy Camera-like face that appears on the screen is pretty darn creepy.

They said I was hopeless and alone. They said my worthless friends couldn't help me now. They said to go on, call for help! They dared me to! They told me to cry Mommy! Daddy! into the darkness and see what good it would do me!

The ACT button appeared and I called for help. Flowey said "But nobody came." before saying it was a shame that no one else was going to get to see me die!

They laughed maniacally as they made their bullets go for me. Just then, they disappeared, replenishing my HP instead!

Flowey was confused. They tried loading again but it failed. They wondered what happened to their powers when the souls appeared again and started spinning around.

Flowey screamed NO! They were supposed to obey them! The souls spun round and round, causing Flowey's mutant body to flash different colours as they screamed, making the earth shake and the screen fade to white...

The battle was over.

Flowey was back to their normal self again and they were wilting. Then, the boxes appeared again for FIGHT and MERCY. Wow... even now I had a choice...

Lots of cool fourth wall breaking stuff here. The HAHAHA filling up the screen was pretty cool and menacing! But now, Flowey was finished and I had this choice to make...

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