Thursday 20 February 2020

122 undertale - the archives of alphys

Dear Readers,

The elevator door shut and wouldn't work anymore, so I had to continue down the dark green hallway. There were monitors along the wall that lit when I passed by them.

The first one said ENTRY NUMBER 1. It seemed to be a log of Alphys' duties. This first one said it was time to do what the king asked her to do. She was going to create the power to free them all. She was going to unleash the power of the soul.

The next monitor was the second entry. It said the barrier was locked by soul power and unfortunately, this power couldn't be recreated artificially because soul power could only be derived from what was once living. To create more, they would have to use what they had now, that being the souls of monsters.

The third entry said that extracting a soul from a living monster would require incredible power and that doing so would instantly destroy the soul's host. Unlike the persistent souls of humans, the souls of most monsters disappear immediately upon death. If only she could make a monster's soul last.

The next monitor wasn't the fourth entry but the fifth entry! Whoops! It said that using the blueprints, she had extracted something from the human souls. She believed this was what gave them the strength to persist after death. The will to keep living and the resolve to change fate, she said let's call this power "Determination."

On the next screen music started playing. It had a beat and an echoey melody. Some piano came in as well. It was a serious and dramatic theme.

The border changed too. It was now the same dark green pattern on bricks and with some mist and darkness.

Up ahead I was able to save my game. This place was called True Laboratory.

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