Saturday 1 February 2020

103 undertale - the city monsters tell me about asriel

Dear Readers,

I continued exploring this New Home area and had encounters with monsters. They didn't attack though. Instead they told me about what happened in the past.

The first one I was told a human fell down in the ruins long ago and called for help.

The next encounter told me about Asriel, the king's son, who heard the human's call. He brought the human back to the castle.

In the kitchen I found a green key. Another nice friendly note too, saying to help myself to anything I wanted. I saw stuff in here relating to pies.

I took the right path and in the first bedroom I took the heart shaped locket, equipping it.

The next encounter told me about Asriel and the human becoming like siblings. The King and Queen treated the human child as their own and the underground was full of hope.

In Asgore's room I read his journal and all it said was "nice day today!"

That "Mr. Dad Guy" knitted sweater sounds hilarious and cute :)

That trophy was interesting too. Nose-Nuzzle? What kind of sport is that? '98 as well... wow. As if that year is ancient history... hm...

I went back to the padlocks and unlocked them.

Downstairs was similar to Toriel's house as well and played another version of the song with more instruments and it was all sentimental.

The next encounter told me that one day, the human became very ill. Kind of ill-fitting with the hopeful music...

The next encounter told me the sick human's only request was to see the flowers from their village, but there was nothing the monsters could do.

The next encounter told me that the next day, the human died... the music stopped here. It seemed like a natural fade though.

The next encounter told me that Asriel was so wracked with grief that he absorbed the human's soul and transformed into a being with incredible power.

The next encounter told me that with this power, Asriel crossed through the barrier, carrying the human's body back to the village of the humans.

The next encounter told me that Asriel reached the centre of the village, found a bed of golden flowers and carried the human onto it.

The next encounter told me that screams rang out and that the villagers saw Asriel holding the human's body and thought that he had killed the child. Yikes...

The next encounter told me the humans attacked him with everything they had. He was struck with blow after blow. Asriel had the power to destroy them all.

The next encounter told me that Asriel did not fight back. While clutching the human, he smiled and walked away.

The next encounter told me that Asriel stumbled home with his wounds. When he entered the castle, he collapsed. His dust spread across the garden.

The next encounter told me the kingdom fell into despair. The king and queen had lost two children in one night. The humans had once again taken everything from them.

Wow... that's really sad... :( It also kind of reminds me of the ending of the movie El Topo.

The next encounter told me the king decided it was time to end the monsters' suffering and decreed that every human who fell down here had to die. Their souls would be taken and with enough, they could shatter the barrier forever.

The next encounter told me it wasn't long now. King Asgore would save them all, and set them free.

The next encounter told me I should be smiling too, asking me wasn't I excited? Wasn't I happy?

The next encounter told me I was going to be free.

And that was it for the encounters. Ahead was the elevator to take me back to the start of this area.

Wow that was a heavy bit of lore there. All about Asriel and the hugely tragic story of what happened with the royal family here. Poor Toriel... poor Asgore... Poor monsters... What an awful loss...

I wonder if the monsters I met here were ghosts? It really seemed like a haunted area, or a ruined city frozen in time. That sentimental music too... at first I thought it was ill-fitting because of the tragic backstory, but it's supposed to be a song of hope for the monsters, of what can happen now that I'm here... with my human soul...

Also when I think of the name Asriel, I immediately think of Azrael, the cat from The Smurfs!

In the next area, the colour came back and someone was there...

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