Saturday 8 February 2020

110 undertale - saying goodbye to the tragic asgore

Dear Readers,

Following the strategies I had developed, as well as using healing items, and with extra determination, I managed to get Asgore onto his knee and the music stopped.

"So that is how it is" he said, with his eyes closed, holding his chest. He started talking more.

He said he remembered the day after his son died. The entire underground was devoid of hope and the future had once again been taken from them by the humans. In a fit of anger, he declared war. He said he would destroy any human that came here. He said he would use their souls to become godlike and free the monsters from this terrible prison. Then, he would destroy humanity and let monsters rule the surface, in peace. He said soon, everyone's hopes returned.

He said his wife, however, became disgusted with his actions. She left this place, never to be seen again. He said that truthfully, he didn't want power. He didn't want to hurt anyone. He just wanted everyone to have hope.

Then he said he couldn't take this any longer. He just wanted to see his wife. He just wanted to see his child. He said to me, please, young one, this war had gone on long enough. I had the power. He told me to take his soul and leave this cursed place.

I had two choices, the FIGHT box and the slightly repaired MERCY box. I went to the MERCY box.

He said after everything he had done to hurt me... I would rather stay down here and suffer than live happily on the surface. He looked very moved. He then smiled and looked at me.

He said he would promise me, for as long as I remained here, his wife and he would take care of me as best they could. He said we could sit in the living room, telling stories, eating butterscotch pie... we could be like a family!

With all the lovely things he was saying, he wasn't ready for the huge circle of bullets surrounding him. His eyes widened as they closed in on him and killed him. His white soul appeared and a single bullet remained behind to shatter it.

Just then a familiar smiling flower appeared, calling me an IDIOT. Flowey.

As if this whole encounter with the lovely Asgore wasn't desperately sad and tragic enough... Flowey had to suddenly appear and kill him. Goodbye Asgore... the meeting was brief, and the battle was arduous, but what a nice guy.

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