Friday 4 December 2020

154 ace attorney 6 - challenging the origin of the artifact

Dear Readers,

It was time to cross-examine Paul Atishon Wimperson's self-aggrandising family history testimony, with regards to the artifact.

It took a good bit of time pressing on his statements and him not giving my questions straight answers.

Athena asked me who Ami Fey was and when I told her, she said that meant this crystal was probably made in Japan then.

I knew I had to raise an "Objection!" on the part about Ami Fey's specially made gift but I wasn't sure what to match it with. I chose the research notes and it worked. This enabled me to address the implication that it was made in Japan.

I said it couldn't be made there and pointed out the mitamah motif the doctor mentioned in his notes and how it dated back to the early days of the Kingdom of Khura'in. The same motif was on the artifact and on the treasure box. With this, I asserted the artifact was actually made in Khura'in. 

Paul Atishon-Wimperson got such a land he gripped and bent his name placard and started sweating.

Phoenix objected and there was an over and back between us, with my assertion challenged by him saying Ami Fey trained in Khura'in and could've possibly taken the pattern with her. The judge agreed, but also said nothing proved beyond a doubt that it was crafted in either country.

Athena wondered if we had any evidence that could break this stalemate. I couldn't see anything that would, so I chose the option that it didn't exist.

After this, Phoenix started talking about something else...

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