Thursday 10 December 2020

160 ace attorney 6 - the sarge loses control

Dear Readers,

When I started cross-examining Sarge, he said he didn't have eyes on the ground, but I knew his helicopter had a camera, so I raised an "Objection!" pointing out his drone.

The helicopter started sweating oil! I got all metaphorical with a truth bomb and he crashed to the ground dramatically, which was amusing. He got up again and was awestruck at the power of evidence!

I put the pressure on him but he insisted he didn't see anything. He even launched missiles at me! I asked Athena for help. She sensed a lot of discord in Sarge's voice. She said it usually meant a patient wanted to say something, but couldn't for some reason. She was willing to help, and everyone else was willing to accommodate.

That was... apart from the Sarge initially. Athena used a few more military metaphors and the Sarge was awestruck again by the powers of evidence and analytical psychology.

Looking at Sarge's emotions it was mainly sadness and shock, but their intensities changed from one moment to the next. His shock level was much lower on the statement on discovering his father than it was when he saw Datz. I pinpointed this with a "Got it!" and said that would naturally be far more impactful.

I think I knew why. I told Sarge that he wasn't as shocked because he already saw the body. It was clear from his reaction that I was right. I asked him again what he saw and he started freaking out, flying over to Athena and stealing Widget! He said he was confiscating it and that the battlefield had no place for unauthorised equipment!

When the judge ordered Sarge to continue his therapy session, he flew over and stole his gavel! Yikes...

The judge summoned the bailiff and an all out brawl broke out, everything going white with the Sarge firing bullets and missiles all over the place!

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