Saturday 5 December 2020

155 ace attorney 6 - oh wow, another murder mystery

Dear Readers,

There was nothing I could use to prove without a doubt the origin of the artifact so I accepted there wasn't any for now. Paul Atishon calmed down and fixed his placard.

Phoenix then suggested another angle. I was willing to listen. He said what if the Defiant Dragons really were authorised to take the artifact. He highlighted the coming to no harm part of the agreement.

As an aside, he also looked down on me by mentioning my "little cave expedition" in those exact words. You don't have to be such a jerk, Phoenix...

He went on to say that the doctor's accidental death might have actually been murder.

Well... that brings it in line with the overall trend of these games. Had to happen eventually and might as well happen now.

The judge asked Phoenix if he was suggesting the doctor might've been murdered by the Defiant Dragons. He said he was but to follow him on this for a moment.

Phoenix talked about a psychology book that had been among the archaeology ones that fell on the doctor and had blood on it. The archaeology books were on the top shelf, whereas a tiny amount of psychology books were on the bottom shelf. Phoenix then offered an explanation for this: The doctor was struck from behind while selecting a psychology book from the shelf, and to make it look like an accident, he was then buried under a pile of archaeology books.

I asked Phoenix if he had any evidence for this explanation and he confidently said he did. He got Ema to examine the wound and she found that he was struck by the corner of some object. This couldn't happen if he simply fell on the flat floor...

Phoenix then pointed his big finger at me and concluded with clarity and confidence that Dr. Buff was murdered.

Yowch! On the receiving end of that hand I've used so many times!

I asked him what made him think it was the Defiant Dragons with my own pointed finger and he came right back at me with witnesses and evidence! He revealed Paul Atishon Wimperson saw a Defiant Dragon leave the crime scene!

I got an awful land at this revelation and he was keeping it up his sleeve until now.

The judge acknowledged this and brought up the issue of the murder weapon, which hadn't yet been identified. Phoenix said it hadn't been found at the crime scene and the murderer likely disposed of it elsewhere.

With that, we finally got an autopsy report, even though it wasn't required for the civil case, not immediately anyway.

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