Tuesday 15 December 2020

165 ace attorney 6 - lie after lie after lie from paul atishon-wimperson

Dear Readers,

Athena came back from checking on how Phoenix was doing. She looked really sad. I asked her how it went. She was muttering something to herself but then snapped out of it when she saw me and put on a brave fighting face. I didn't have a chance to hear how it went because recess was over and we had to go back into court.

The judge checked with Phoenix and he was sticking to his last argument that we hadn't proven our case which he said needed the presence of spiritual power. He also returned to his assertion of the Defiant Dragons killing Doctor Buff. I said that was proven false! He then revealed he had new testimony. The judge gave him the go ahead. Who was this witness and why so late?

The new witness was none other than... *sigh* Paul Atishon-Wimperson. Phoenix said he suddenly remembered something during recess. Yeah, right.

His testimony was laughable. He said Datz killed the doctor with his suitcase. I complained about him only revealing this now instead of earlier and he laughed, saying it was a politician's tactic.

Phoenix then revealed a luminol test showed the doctor's blood on a corner of Datz' suitcase. What the heck?! We were challenged again!

The judge found it convincing, but let us go ahead with the cross-examination anyway.

With this totally new and changed testimony from Paul Atishon-Wimperson, I pressed him for details. It was funny and really satisfying to hear him say the police banned him from using his palanquin after dark. That put a big smile on my face!

I got an extra detail out of him, that being the doctor was absorbed in a book standing in front of the bookshelves when he was attacked. I made an "Objection!" presenting the doctor's reading glasses. I pointed out the doctor needed reading glasses, which were found on his desk, which invalidated his statement.

Paul Atishon-Wimperson then got sweaty and said he was mistaken and changed his statement to something even more laughable, that being the doctor was sitting at his desk.

I said the doctor would've been facing his attacker then. He said the doctor was nodding off.

I asked him to explain how the doctor was struck in the back of the head. He said the doctor bowed his head when he nodded off.

The judge actually found this to be a reasonable explanation! What a moron. At least he asked me if I had any problem with this proposal. I said I had a big problem! He asked for evidence and was happy to present the study diagram with a big, loud "Take that!"

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