Friday 11 December 2020

161 ace attorney 6 - the sarge revealed!

Dear Readers,

Thankfully, Athena was able to get Widget back from Sarge straight away. His emotional state was all over the place. He called her "Corpswoman Cykes".

Athena encouraged Sarge to breathe in and out before asking him to let it all out with his feelings and express himself! I didn't exactly see it as relaxing but he came out with more testimony.

Sarge's sadness and fear were extremely heightened. He then revealed that he left his room, got dizzy and passed out. He said he saw his father with a flame and grinning with delight.

It looked strange. What was that flame about? Also Datz was outside when he heard more fighting, so it was being distanced from him slowly, but it was progress!

This time I had to probe for answers. The fire was a new suspicious detail, and Sarge had a very traumatic history with fire so I probed that detail with a "Got it!"

We explained the fear of fire the Sarge would have since his traumatic incident and he felt he could agree with us. Then he spoke more about the fire and the doctor's gleeful expression before revealing that it was the artifact that was on fire!

Then he revealed something else very disturbing — he could see his late mother in the flames. I was shocked. Athena said his noise level was down but there was an inconsistency in his statement this time. Maybe his traumatic memories were interfering?

The inconsistency was the artifact itself. The doctor couldn't possibly have had it when he was killed in the study and I had to bring up the fact that the doctor hid it in the cave. I told the Sarge he must've passed out before the doctor left for the cave. Even if the Sarge hadn't passed out, the outcome would've been the same, so I told him there was no need to blame himself.

Sarge wasn't so sure about that. He spoke sadly, saying if it wasn't for him doing his siege defence, his father would still be alive because he wanted nothing more than for his son to be happy.

Athena counselled him. She said he had the power within him to move forward. I said if he didn't change his tactics, his victory would always lie beyond his grasp.

After giving it some thought, he decided there and then with a salute to suspend his siege defence immediately! 

A scene played out and a wheelchair appeared. the one in the wheelchair rolled up to the stand and held the drone in their arms. From there, it was revealed that it was the Sarge, with blue eyes and long flowing blonde hair. The Sarge was a girl! I was shocked! So was Athena!

Phoenix said he was just as shocked when he found out, but it explained a few things for him. He introduced us all to Miss Armie Buff. She certainly was too, with her helmet, holding her drone in her arms. She said her mother was in the Russian army.

I stood dumb, expressing my disbelief, to which Armie gave out to me, saying she could still shoot me away if she wanted. Athena was absolutely charmed, saying she was too cute to be the tough drill sergeant we were dealing with this whole time. Well, she already threatened to shoot me, so I may come round to believing it!

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