Wednesday 9 December 2020

159 ace attorney 6 - the sarge testifies

Dear Readers,

Sergeant Buff took the stand in his helicopter form and saluted the judge. Phoenix explained his situation and said he'd still like to continue with testimony delivered via the drone. The judge sympathised with the Sarge losing his father and decided to accommodate this method.

The Sarge came out guns-a-blazing at me for daring to defend the man who allegedly killed his father, calling it treason and demoted me from corporal back to private. Athena asked what he meant and I said it was a long story.

The Sarge went on to testify. He said Datz was ejected from the premises but then he heard arguing after that and assumed Datz must've committed the murder then. Phoenix said the man his client saw must've been Datz fleeing.

Just then there was an objection!... from Datz! He insisted he didn't kill anyone. Sarge saw him and fired missiles at him! Then he laughed, calling him a capitalist pig and telling him he'd turn him into pork stroganoff!

Time for cross-examination. I had to prove Datz was innocent or we'd lose the orb. I pressed the Sarge for details but the only progress I got was the judge reprimanding him for firing Gatling guns in court and also learning that "Gatling" is a proper noun.

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