Thursday 17 December 2020

167 ace attorney 6 - the reason why phoenix was doing this

Dear Readers,

Paul Atishon-Wimperson asked me to prove he had a motive to murder the doctor. I was ready.

I said the doctor never returned his "crystal" and instead went to hide it in the cave ruins. I told him he made a blunder telling the doctor the Defiant Dragons were dangerous. All it did was make the doctor hide the orb, a lie which came back to bite him in the end.

I also said the doctor saw the news reports, so he knew the relic was the Founder's Orb. He knew he had to return it to its rightful place and that meant keeping it out of Paul Atishon-Wimperson's hands. I said that made him so angry he went and killed the doctor with his own hands.

Suddenly, Phoenix said "Hold it!" and asked me to please not accuse his client of murder. I asked him what he meant by that. He then said what he meant to say was his client was a promising politician with a bright future ahead of him and that it was in our nation's best interests to avoid burdening him with the taint of scandal!?

I wondered again what was going on with Phoenix?

Paul Atishon-Wimperson then demanded Phoenix change the courtroom's "current climate" or he'd be accused of murder, which would mean something would happen to "her", whoever that was. Phoenix was sweating bullets.

I told Phoenix he couldn't possibly believe Datz was the killer. I asked him if he was really trying to send an innocent man to prison? I told him I thought he was better than that. Phoenix continued sweating and struggling. I demanded an answer.

Phoenix bellowed again, holding his head in his hands. I asked what was going on? I turned to Athena. She said nothing. I was just about to accuse of Paul Atishon-Wimperson of murder when Athena said "Hold it!"

Athena then revealed to me she overheard something she shouldn't have during recess. It was Phoenix asking if Maya was unharmed and Paul Atishon-Wimperson smugly telling him he couldn't say, as long as he got the treasure. He mentioned this so-called benefactor and their demand for it as well. They wanted that spiritual power. He was in his stupid carrier thing as well. Awful person...

So, Phoenix was being blackmailed and Maya was being held hostage. I asked Athena why she didn't tell me and she apologised, saying Phoenix caught her at the last second and made her promise not to. He said it would make things more difficult if I found out.

Finally... it was revealed why Phoenix was acting so strange this whole time. I looked him in his state of pure anguish... no... it was a good thing Athena told me...

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