Friday 25 December 2020

175 ace attorney 6 - waiting for the hostage situation

Dear Readers,

Queen Ga'ran apologised to us for the criminal actions of her husband, using the royal "we". She explained the police wouldn't come if her husband committed the crime, so she commanded her royal guard to apprehend him!

Dhurke protested and the queen immediately called for her guard to apprehend him when she saw him. He did his scary dragon flash thing and said to slow down as he was here to do a hostage exchange, as Maya's life was in danger. The queen asked him why would her husband do that and he said he'd explain later. 

The queen asked him to wait but he was already on his way. She sighed and told her guard to let him through. Rayfa told Phoenix he had some explaining to do. He then asked me to explain the situation. She told me to leave nothing out, calling me "Horn Head"! This girl has an insult for everyone!

She took it very hard that her father had abducted someone. She called him a gentle soul. She might as well know the truth now...

After explaining, we now had to wait. The queen said when the appointed time came that her guard was now going to storm in. I asked her if she couldn't wait a bit longer and she said no, as it put the hostage's life in more danger and she saw no other alternative.

The queen commanded her guard to now storm the tomb and seize both Inga and Dhurke. She still believed Dhurke was responsible for her predecessor's assassination.

They stormed the tomb and within moments they fled back out yelling "he's dead!"

Who's dead!? What was going on!?

Phoenix sprung into action, telling me to go with him quick towards the tomb.

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