Saturday 26 December 2020

176 ace attorney 6 - the hostage situation didn't go well

Dear Readers,

Phoenix and I rushed into the tomb, looking for Dhurke. Phoenix told me to look over and there I saw Dhurke standing over Inga's dead body holding a blade in his hand, blood on his chest!

The queen came to the scene and ordered her guards to seize him. Dhurke said no! Wait! just before the screen went white and sounds of punches and kicks happened, followed by restraints being put on.

They took Dhurke away! He threw something which hit me in the head. It was the orb! It looked like he wanted me to keep it safe.

A voice appeared from behind, saying "Nick?". It was Maya! She was okay! 

Maya said Dhurke saved her before she collapsed from exhaustion.

Inga was dead and Dhurke was arrested for it. Maya was safe now.

I left the tomb where Athena asked me what happened. I told her I wasn't sure, but it seemed Dhurke killed Inga to save Maya. She was shocked but even more shocked was Rayfa, who immediately wanted to see for herself, but the royal guard wouldn't let her. She was already convinced that Dhurke killed her father.

Phoenix told me let's regroup somewhere. We went back to Tehm'pul Temple. Athena asked if I was okay and I said I was. I hoped Dhurke didn't kill Inga. Phoenix said Edgeworth was talking to the police so we should stay put for now. He understood I must've been in shock but he asked me to stay with them. I thanked him and said I'd be fine!

Some time later, Edgeworth arrived with some bad news...

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