Tuesday 8 December 2020

158 ace attorney 6 - datz helps to put me in a good mood again

Dear Readers,

Athena and I felt the burn of the fight against Phoenix. She said he really was the Turnabout Terror.

Datz immediately put me in a good mood when he said they got him for the third time in a year, declaring ""Datz" a new record!" with his big smile and thumbs up!

I asked him to be more careful. Dhurke asked him if it was true what Phoenix said about him visiting the doctor that night. He said it sure was, but the doctor wouldn't give him the orb, saying someone put it into his head that the Defiant Dragons were dangerous. Then he said it was why the doctor threw him out.

So the doctor was still alive when Datz last saw him, but we had to prove it. Dhurke asked me to brace myself for the next witness, whose testimony would make or break this case.

I asked where Trucy was and Athena said maybe she was worried that Phoenix and I would have a falling out, so she went to look for him.

Back in the courtroom, Phoenix introduced the next witness and it sounded like he was talking about Sarge. I asked him if he was talking about the doctor's reclusive son and how he was able to get him to cooperate? Phoenix said he got him to overcome his fear if it meant the killer could be caught.

I was impressed at his persuasive ability! I waited with anticipation to finally see the Sarge come out in person when out came... the helicopter. Oh well!

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