Monday 28 December 2020

178 ace attorney 6 - brief reunion with nahyuta

Dear Readers,

Athena and I went to see Dhurke at the detention centre after he got arrested.

I showed him my badge and he said he was proud of me after seeing me in action. I really appreciate that.

I asked him what happened in the tomb and asked if he really killed Inga or not. He said he didn't know properly... Why do I keep hearing that from people lately? Anyway, he continued, saying he got dizzy immediately after seeing the mural of the founder on entering the tomb. The next thing he knew was that he was in the state he was in when we found him, knife in hand, covered in Inga's blood. He didn't remember meeting Inga or anything else!

He said there was no getting out of this one and I said not to give up! He laughed, saying he was only joking. I gave out to him which startled him a bit. I was annoyed at how easygoing he was, even when he was being arrested.

He did say then that this was going to be a tough case. He was being charged with Inga's murder as well as Amara's assassination from twenty-three years ago. He joked about not losing our heads and I got serious again. He said he took it that I was going to defend him and I said of course I was. He was delighted, saying my nerves were as steely as my vocal chords! Of course, there was the DC act to deal with as well.

Athena didn't know about what happened to Queen Amara so we went on to that topic. Dhurke said someone set her private residence on fire. Athena asked him why he was arrested as he was a lawyer back then.

Dhurke then dropped a bombshell, revealing that Amara was his wife. Athena was hugely surprised and impressed that he won the heart of a queen and he laughed it off, saying he honed his winning skill and glare against witnesses! I asked him if a verdict was reached and he said he represented himself and won, but he was then accused of fabricating evidence. It turned out badly then.

This reminded me of what happened to Phoenix in Ace Attorney 4.

Athena asked him what happened after that and he said he made a run for it. She asked why and he said he didn't kill Amara and he didn't fabricate evidence, but if he stuck around for retrial, he'd be found guilty for sure. He said he couldn't let that happen because the true killer would never face justice if he did. 

He smiled again and said he left his law practice behind and went underground. After all these years he still hadn't discovered the truth. Tough break too, considering that it was a fire and it left little evidence.

I felt sick, considering I had to solve not only that case, but the one now too. He gave me some words of encouragement, telling me not to look so down and that with me on the case, it'd work out somehow.

Dhurke told me his file on that old case was at his old office, asking me if I remembered how to get there. I remembered the manhole and the dimly lit room alright. It was the same way Phoenix got there too!

I showed Dhurke the photo of my father and he said to take care of it as it was the last remaining photo of him. He said he went to a lot of trouble tracking it down to some European tourist who had taken the photo. I was moved.

I discussed the orb with him and he said there was more to it than what we had been dealing with until now, much more. He implored me not to let it fall into Queen Ga'ran's hands.

Just then, Nahyuta showed up! It was revealed that he was the prosecutor! Dhurke greeted him, saying long time no see. He asked him what happened to the dream of taking the queen down and changing the country. Nahyuta paused thoughtfully before saying the past was the past. Dhurke asked him what he meant and why was he doing this? Nahyuta said people change and that the Nahyuta he knew was no more. Dhurke said he didn't know what made Nahyuta change like this, but he was still his boy, even if he prosecuted his case. He said this with a proud father's smile. He said the Defiant Dragons eagerly awaited his return and he was welcome back with open arms whenever he was ready.

Nahyuta was visibly affected by this. I knew it and I had the feeling he wanted to say something, but couldn't. He went away and commanded the guard to take Dhurke for questioning, who handled him roughly.

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