Wednesday 23 December 2020

173 ace attorney 6 - the ominous phone caller

Dear Readers,

It was the end of episode 5... day 1.

Phoenix looked at me with a serious expression and the threatening music played. I asked him what did he mean Maya was being held hostage and who was this mastermind? Phoenix said he didn't know who it was but they were pulling the strings behind all this.

It's totally that jerk justice minister, let's be real here...

Dhurke asked if Maya was that bun-haired young lady back in Khura'in. Phoenix said she was and asked why. Dhurke said he had good news for Phoenix, that Maya was somewhere safe. He was sure of that much. The music stopped.

Phoenix said he was lost by what Dhurke said. Phoenix looks really weird when his mouth is open like that with both rows of teeth showing.

I liked the way Dhurke called the politician a little snot when talking about his patron, who had no idea he was here in the States with us. I asked if he'd mind telling us who that was.

Just then, Phoenix's phone rang. It had no caller ID. He answered to a very weird voice that didn't have natural bipping. It was masked and ominous.

The voice identified itself as the benefactor we were talking about. Phoenix asked them if Maya was safe. They said they were listening to the court case and were shocked that a spirit medium was the key to the riddle, but also told us to not think for a minute that it would guarantee Maya's safety as they had another spirit medium within reach. Phoenix said if Maya was harmed they'd have to answer to him.

Dhurke asked Phoenix for the phone, taking it from him, speaking to the caller directly. They demanded to know who it was and Dhurke said it was their friendly neighbourhood dragon in the U.S. on a little trip, addressing the caller as Minister of Justice Inga Karkhuul Khura'in.

Yup! Called it.

Inga was flabbergasted. Dhurke said that was a poor excuse for a bluff and that they both knew his threats were as empty as his head. He told him straight that he couldn't lay a hand on Maya Fey and he meant that literally. Inga then said she wasn't his only... insurance. He said he had someone else important to him in tha palm of his hand. Dhurke copped it. Of course, he was talking about Nahyuta.

Inga told Dhurke to meet him at Amara's Tomb the next day at 3PM, alone.

I asked him what was going on. He said he had to get back to Khura'in right away. I asked how?

A voice piped up, saying to let him worry about it. It was... Edgeworth!

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