Tuesday 29 December 2020

179 ace attorney 6 - investigating amara's tomb with ema

Dear Readers,

Athena and I left the detention centre to go investigate. We started at the palace of royal residence and looked around the beautiful surroundings. Athena had some fun facts about the tomb construction and we observed Inga's footprints he left when he set off toward the tomb.

Then we headed for Amara's Tomb itself. We met Ema there, which was nice! She said I was as much of a trouble magnet as Phoenix was. Athena told Ema that Nahyuta seemed to have taken a liking to her. Ema immediately started munching on Snackoos, saying she was okay with him approving her abilities but his people skills needed some serious work. She babbled about being run ragged with work, which she was thankful for but it was taking its toll and she knew the defendant in this case and everything... she ended with a lot of munching.

I asked about the incident. Ema gave me the autopsy report and said there weren't any other suspects here. Everything was secure and sealed off too, which wasn't helping. We discussed Inga and his kidnapping of Maya. Ema said she was kept here for six days and was very weak by the time she was set free. She was at the hospital now on an IV Drip, the poor woman... She's been asleep ever since too.

Ema gave us a diagram of the tomb. She also said this wasn't only Amara's resting place, but also the place where she lived when she died in the fire. The tomb was built after her residence burned down.

She also said to let her do the forensics we needed and not keep all the fun to ourselves. I didn't exactly think that the investigation was fun, but I was glad we had the approval to do it.

It's fun to me as the player of course!

the first thing we examined was the sarcophagus. It had curtains and housed the mummified body of the old queen. Ema told us not to interfere with it for fears of being cursed! She said the old queen probably had a grudge against the living after experiencing such a painful death. She also said it was temperature controlled, so if anyone were to hide inside it they would eventually freeze to death.

We found Inga's button, a gemstone in the ashes of the tomb's incense burners. It was caked in soot. We looked at his body outline, which was behind the sarcophagus. Ema showed us a photo of when his body laid there. The knife had Dhurke's fingerprints on it, but also another set of fingerprints that weren't identifiable. Inga was holding a mobile phone and a four-shot gun, which was broken and only had one bullet stuck in it. Strange.

Some pretty entertaining dialogue sprung up from observing the bottle of "grape juice" here and how it couldn't be the "fermented variety". It belonged to Inga.

The paintings on the wall depicted the late queen channelling a late sultan of another country, her assassination and a very evilly depicted Dhurke getting punished in the afterlife. Yikes.

We sussed a possible hiding place in the curtains but Ema burst our bubble. Aw!

We examined the chair Maya was tied to and found some blood on one of the chair legs. Then we used Ema's luminol spray and found drops of blood on the floor trailing all the way to the sarcophagus. We asked her if it was Inga's blood and she didn't get a match. Dhurke and Maya weren't bleeding at any stage, so this was a complete mystery.

We then looked at the other paintings on the opposite wall, which we were supposed to see first since they depicted Amara's earlier life, looking very divine up until the point with Dhurke, who was depicted with horns. Yeesh.

One of the many statues on the sides of the room was broken. There was a bloodstained pendant around here. Unknown fingerprints but blood was Inga's according to Ema. A bullet from Inga's gun was here too. There were two magatamas here as well, even though the other statues only had one each.

That was everything to investigate. We went over the facts in our minds and things couldn't look worse for us... Then Ema asked us to leave if we were finished, saying it was easier if "His Ephemeral Holiness" didn't see us here.

Himself appeared just then, that being Nahyuta of course. He said he hoped Ema was keeping an eye on us to which she cheerfully said she was. He was still very distrustful. I asked Nahyuta again if he really believed Dhurke was guilty and was he really going to prosecute his own father. He was once a Defiant Dragon himself after all.

He didn't answer and left the scene. Athena and I went after him.

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