Tuesday 22 December 2020

172 ace attorney 6 - armie buff's hope for the future

Dear Readers,

We celebrated in the lobby with the happy music. Dhurke praised me with massive fatherly pride for defeating the Fighting Phoenix. Of course, I knew his hands were tied and I saved him. That obstacle for the revolution was finally overcome.

Trucy asked Dhurke if he was going to try and have the Holy Mother's spirit channelled. He said it wasn't easy, as they needed the true name and the only living person who knew that was Queen Ga'ran of Khura'in.

I asked Dhurke what he was going to do now. He said he was going to trace how the orb came into Dr. Buff's hands. The politician gave it to the doctor, but how did it get to the politician? Dhurke said he must've had inside help from someone connected to the royal family and he wanted to expose it.

I heard someone calling me Private Justice. It was Armie's drone! With a salute she commended my work and told me I did her proud! I commended her too for her courage in coming out of her room like she did!

She said it was thanks to Corpswoman Cykes and me. Her siege defence strategy was over and she could sally forth. We were deeply saddened for her to lose both her parents and be wheelchair-bound.

Then she said it was time for her to go on without her father's coddling on her own two feet. The music stopped and I held her drone for her. She then picked herself up off her wheelchair and stood up! Wobbily, but she was up!

She admitted the doctor said she was able to walk again months ago, but if she admitted she was able, she knew she'd have to leave the house, so she faked it. Now that she was out and her father was watching over her, she wanted to keep going. Dhurke told her to never stop and be brave, because there'll be days when she'll want to but he had faith she would find a way to muster the strength to push through them.

Trucy cheerfully said Phoenix was back. He was lost in thought. I asked him if Maya was safe and he said she was for now. Athena was ready to save her and asked where she was.

Phoenix then said he had bad news. Maya was still over in Khura'in and was still being held hostage by the mastermind behind this whole thing. This was the start of the big revolution.

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