Wednesday 1 September 2021

13 steamworld dig - exploring vectron

Dear Readers,

I continued to dig until I fell a massive drop into a huge futuristic looking cavern with metal, electronics and generally like something out of a sci-fi movie. The music changed to suit the mood to an atmospheric loop. It was so cool.

I couldn't dig anymore. I made my way around vents and tunnels until I found the doorway indicated on the map.

I went through and found another of Uncle Joe's tubes that brought me all the way back to the surface! Didn't need to buy a teleporter after all!

I was glad though. There were some newer stronger looking enemies including a sentry camera drone thing that's like Beamos from Zelda. It shot at me as I burrowed through to the exit tube. It felt good to get back to town!

Lola wished me luck with whatever unknown thing I was about to encounter next.

Dorothy was surprised to learn that the mine went even deeper and there was frost on my armour! She said the only thing that was meant to be down at that depth was molten rock. She told me to be careful but encouraged me to explore further.

The goal came up on screen to "Explore Vectron", the name of this new place.

Cranky was surprised to see Uncle Joe left another tube and that he had explored further than he thought. He told me to tread carefully as it was strange stuff and I didn't just open a way down.

Biff was swept up in success and encouraged me to dig even deeper as it would make everyone up here more well off.

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