Thursday 31 March 2022

34 xenoblade - vowing revenge on the metal faced mechon

Dear Readers,

Dunban, Reyn and I came face to face with the huge metal faced Mechon in the residential district. We tried to fight it but it was near useless. It struck us down and I could swear I saw it made a finger wagging gesture with its claws.

Just then, Fiora came from the other side with the charged up vehicle! She attacked metal face with all her strength and fury but her machine couldn't do anything either except knock metal face around a bit.

Then the metal face got serious. It slammed the mech into the buildings and blew part of it away.

I begged Fiora to please run away as I had a horrible vision of the mech failing badly.

Then things got really bad. Fiora was helpless on the ground. Metal Face got its big claws and sunk them into the mech. It pulled its claws out and they were covered red.

In a fury I got on my feet with help of the Monado and swore to the metal face that I'd kill it.

Another tutorial came up, saying the Monado had no effect on Mechon with faces. Thanks for telling me. I could've done with that a bit earlier. It advised using break and topple as part of a chain attack. 

So hey, it was time to try it out! This was very much a tutorial thing but I was able to select the chain attack, which froze time and let me choose commands from each character. I hope freezing time is part of the chain battling! I haven't really done it yet before now!

I chose my break move, Reyn's topple move and Dunban's whatever finishing move he had. That was it.

We got some damage done on the metal face and at one point I impaled its head with the Monado. It seemed to dim its lights a bit and looked at us in a strange way after I pulled the Monado back out. Then it flew away as I screamed after it. That was that.

Some time later I sat at Outlook Park. Colony 9 was still in a big mess but it was still standing. Flashbacks of Fiora sitting next to me played. Reyn then came up to me and we had a chat about everything. I said I had been to see Dunban and it was him that consoled me. His words about his lost loved ones were comforting and his words about Fiora giving me the gift of life was inspiring.

I told Reyn I decided my main mission in life was to go after the metal faced one. He agreed wholeheartedly and was glad that I wasn't holding back. He was only too happy to help.

Soon, Reyn and I left the colony on our mission. I was carrying the Monado on my back. Dunban watched us from his window, wishing us luck and that as soon as he was able, he was going to be right behind us.

There is emotional weight to these moments. The cynic in me recognises the tropey-ness of the plot devices, the wonderful love interest getting fridged and everything. It was why on my first attempted playthrough years ago I rushed through it, thinking "haha I've seen this a million times in other stuff" but this time I wanted to take my time. I found that now, since I was taking my time with this game that these moments were more impactful now that I was taking my time to process them.

So far I have spent like 20 hours in Colony 9 and surrounding areas. It was fun getting to know the place and just getting a feel for everything. I'll check it out again before we leave properly to see what people there are saying now.

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