Thursday 12 October 2017

13 zelda breath of the wild - forgotten controls, first signs of civilisation!

Dear Readers,

Now it's back to Hyrule! By gum it's been a while!

My first steps off the Isolated Plateau immediately coincided with a battle that was taking place nearby. A lady named Mina and a man named Mils were fighting Bokoblins and looking for treasure. A flock of Keese then started attacking so I shooed them away with my spear and they rewarded me with some food :)

I found an Emblazoned Shield in a nearby chest and I kept it. I wasn't gonna listen to them about claiming treasure :P

I climbed a nearby hill that had something on top. It was a pinwheel. When I got there, these targets suddenly appeared and nearly made me jump out of my skin. On top of that, there was a little spider crawling on my hand as I was trying to play :|

I ran out of arrows. I opened the wooden chest in the nearby pond by freezing the space under it. It took me ages. I've forgotten all the controls...

I had another chat with Mina and Mils. They're siblings. They told me about the ruins they were excavating for treasure and about the dangerous Guardians towards Hyrule Castle. I was going to go there out of curiosity but I didn't think it was such a good idea after all. I decided to go find Impa instead.

I put focus on Impa and headed in that direction. Some bigger versions of the Bokoblins were wandering around. I decided to run past without messing with them. Then a huge stone whistled past my head! It was an Octorok! In this game they hide like Deku Scrubs and spit rocks at you! I dealt with it by cutting away its cover and whacking it with my spear.

I continued along until I came across a place called Riverside Stable and met a guy named Gotter there. Some pleasant music played here so I guess it's civilisation! Nice to see a bit of it! I indulged in conversation and he talked about his ancestor being a chef at the castle. He dreamed of the food as a child and asked me to see if I could get a cookbook for him from the castle if I ever went there. I got a side quest titled "A Royal Recipe" in my adventure log. It'll be a while before I'm confident enough to go near the castle I'm afraid! I'll keep it in mind though. Hope there's no limit to side quests I can keep at once...

I mingled and met a girl named Parcy who gave me another side quest "The Royal Guard's Gear". She's all interested in exploring the castle for treasure. I'm still not going there for a good while though!

Beedle's here too! Good old Beedle :) He sells arrows but I didn't buy any yet. I'll see what I need along the way.

Afterwards I cooked some food and went to the Wahgo Katta Shrine nearby, my first one since leaving the plateau. It was just a big tall room with three metal crates and a flat metal board. I had to use magnesis to stack them in such a way as to be able to reach the monk's platform. I brought the three crates over and positioned the metal sheet so it acted like a ramp that allowed me to climb all the way up there. He gave me a Spirit Orb and that was that!

When I got out, it was daytime in the game. I decided to end my session there as the low battery indicator was bugging me since I arrived at the Riverside Stable.

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