Friday 6 October 2017

61 final fantasy explorers - defeating the final therion! online coop with joseph, nova and gobbie the goblin

Dear Readers,

At this point Joseph was EL 456 White Mage, Nova was EL 215 Knight and I was EL 169 Knight.

Quest 1: "Final Therion Encounter"

10 star, Therion. Were we ready to take on the final Therion at last? Nova thought so, and we set off together. What a big quest to start with!

Before we even got to Therion I got KO'd at least twice, once being right outside the Grand Crystal. It was embarrassing but the others had trouble too. I forgot the extra tough enemies option was obligatory for this quest. For the rest of the journey we did the best we could to avoid the mooks and headed straight to Therion.

Therion was pretty deadly with its one hit KO attacks. We however had Deflect moves and that made us pretty resilient against it :) It was all a matter of whittling down its health using the precious time we had. I had to use Phoenix Downs and had to be revived myself many times. For the most part, Therion seemed to be focused on Nova, so I had lots of opportunities to attack it from the side and rear. Eventually we wore it down to nothing and we were victorious at last! Yes!

NinSage: I'm so proud of us!! That was awesome!!
Rocket: Yeeeehaaaaw! Wow that was a toughie
Mop_it_up: I knew we could do it! ...And now I quit. No reason to play anymore.

We were delighted to win! We tried this a couple of months ago back in blog entry #45 and failed. After some training, here we are at blog entry #61 and victorious! And no, this wasn't the end of the fun, even though I didn't have any more non job specific quests left. 

Quest 2: "Her Flanjesty"

Defeating the final Therion was somewhat unceremonious; there was no special feedback or message of congratulations from the game, so I thought we'd celebrate with more Flan :)

I got disconnected during this unfortunately, so we did it a second time.

Quest 3: "Ultimate Weapon: The Judge's Cidadel"

10 star, Alexander. I was thinking of switching to Beastmaster, but I hadn't that job unlocked yet. This was a normal battle with lots of spoils to plunder.

Quest 4: "This Request Stinks"

6 star, 3 Great Malboros. It's gonna take a lot of Princess Flans to level up my Goblin, so I decided to bring it out to the field and level it up that way. It had plenty of training with all the enemies along the way and the huge cluster of Malboros at the end. Nova calls it "Gobbie". Part of the team already :)

Quest 5: "Gigantuar Get!"

6 star Gigantuar. We took Gobbie's training to the desert where it got experience beating up Cactuars and the Gigantuar. I earned 1,326 experience points.

Quest 6: "Blinding Bolt Of Judgement"

9 star Ramuh. It was a fun quest and I earned 12,801 experience points for Gobbie this time. I just need 5,632 more to get it to LV48. (I'm not sure if these exact numbers are accurate or not. I hope they are)

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