Monday 2 October 2017

52 kirby planet robobot - 9th attempt successful, true arena record: 35:28.60

Dear Readers,

Now for my eighth attempt at The True Arena using the Stone ability!

Went through the motions and bosses with the usual strategies. By the time I got to Star Dream Soul OS, I didn't have as much health as last time. However I adopted a different strategy. I focused on whittling down its health much more than absorbing star power from drones and projectiles. I got on much better, though I was still down to low health by the time I was gobbled up.

I got further this time. I destroyed all the revolving cylinder things. After that, the heart itself came after me with its own attack patterns. Some of them were similar to President Haltmann's and some of its cries of injury were similar to his as well... Hmm...

I got its health down to nothing but then it started putting out these pulses that I couldn't block, even in stone form! I only had a tiny bit of health left so I was plastered against the screen, losing once again :(

It was a nasty surprise. Still, it was further than my last attempt.

On the ninth attempt, same ability, I made it to Star Dream Soul OS with full health and extra to spare :) By the time I was gobbled up, I had about 3/4 health left. Still an improvement on last time anyway. Also I noticed my time turned into "??:??.??" for some weird reason! Probably to do with time and space and black holes or something.

When I fought against the heart, I got its health down to nothing and avoided its pulse waves that defeated me last time. Immediately afterwards the heart crumbled with an awesome animation and I had finally beaten The True Arena! :D

I got a time of 35:28.60. I only had one StreetPass rival record for this and they only made it to Round 6! Finally! A StreetPass win as well! This was a good session!

When I got back to the menu, I had a star emblem on True Arena and 93% completion, but nothing else special happened. What's left now are Kirby 3D Rumble and Team Kirby Clash. All up ahead :)

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