Tuesday 3 October 2017

53 kirby planet robobot - kirby 3d rumble level 2 score: 37,290; level 3 score: 61,150

Dear Readers,

Now it's back to Kirby 3D Rumble. Been a while since I played this so let's continue and do the second level.

It played the later level theme from DynaBlade. I racked up a good number of combos and completed it in 01:45. I also got 37,290 points.

I went on and did the third level as well. At first my combos were uneven and I fell off the edge of the stage at one point, but I made up for it a bit! At one point I must've inhaled over half a dozen Bronto Burts at once! That's pretty cool! There were three big dudes at the end as well, the last of whom was bigger and redder and meaner than the first two. It wasn't too difficult though. This level played a track from Kirby Air Ride I think. I beat it in 03:40 and got a score of 61,150.

After this I got a message that said I cleared all stages! Sure enough there was a star emblem on the menu icon for this game too. Completion is now 96%! Team Kirby Clash next!

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