Tuesday 31 October 2017

2 super mario odyssey - exploring the icy sand kingdom and the inverted pyramid

Dear Readers,

The title screen now greets me with Mario screaming the title of the game and an instrumental version of "Jump Up, Super Star!". I started up the Odyssey for the first time and headed to the Sand Kingdom with Cappy.

He turned into a Captain's Hat in a nice cool cutscene that showed the takeoff and maiden voyage :)

The inside of the Odyssey has a nice relaxing lounge. Lots of stuff here like a wardrobe and map to help us on our journey. Cappy helped me revise some of my moves while we were travelling.

We got to the Sand Kingdom and it turned out to be really cold here. Cappy said there was a "binding band" here that was like a wedding ring or something.

Overlooking The Desert Town

I found a power moon in the belfry while on the rooftops of the nearby town.

A Rumble From The Sandy Floor

Nearby on the rooftops was a pipe that lead to a room. In the room a guy told me I had to find the power moon in the room by feeling it out and it was through the controller's rumble. I stomped where the rumble was strongest and got the power moon!

Sand Kingdom Slots

One of the buildings was a slot machine game. It was skill based and very manageable in difficulty and I won a power moon by lining up the moons.

The townspeople told me that Bowser and Peach came through here and then they froze over. I headed to the ruins and some music started playing. I like the binoculars that lets me survey the area :)

Inside A Block Is A Hard Place

I captured a Bullet Bill! It's surreal and awesome to be able to control and play as one! I broke one of the blocks in the area where I found the first ones and it revealed a power moon.

On The Leaning Pillar

Using a Bullet Bill, I flew across the gap nearby to a leaning pillar that had a power moon on top.

I found a seed below but couldn't carry it back to the flower pots in town by warping. I had to walk all the way back. Warping regenerates the coins though, which is kinda crazy! It's also generally weird that I can't regenerate health in a 3D Mario game by collecting coins. Different rules!

From A Crate In The Ruins

After the 2D section of the ruins with the nice 8 bit remix, I broke a crate and a power moon jumped out and across the gap, which I crossed with a Bullet Bill. Weird how the Captains Hat didn't show up...

Sphynx's Treasure Vault

I saw a Sphynx as I climbed the ruins. I dropped down to it and it gave me a riddle! It asked what Bowser was looking for here. I chose "ring" and it stepped aside to reveal its secret treasure vault! Inside, the walls were all golden and had lots of coins and a treasure chest containing a power moon.

Atop The Highest Tower

The 2D section wrapped around the tower looked so awesome! It also reminded me of the game Nebulus or Butter Building in Kirby's Adventure. I climbed up here and collected the power moon at the top.

After this, a platform appeared on the mid-air network of rails nearby. Along them were the pulsing ripple laser things I remember in a previous Mario adventure but they only activated if I threw Cappy at them. They destroyed some blocks so I actually wanted to trigger them! That's kind of a weird thing but cool :)

The rail ended on an island separate from the rest of the map. There were these live Maoi-like statues here called Moe-Eyes that liked wearing sunglasses. They were pretty shy and ran away when I came near. I was able to see hidden platforms when I captured them.

Moon Shards In The Sand

Three of the five shards were scattered around the island. One was in the middle of the purple goop at the end of a hidden platform and the last was atop the pillars with more hidden platforms bridging them.

Another rail network appeared after I collected the power moon and the inverted pyramid's door opened up the way to a showdown battle.

Bird Travelling The Desert

While on top of the pillars on the island, I noticed a bird with an unusual sparkle coming from it. I observed it more and noticed it was making a routine fly around the entire level. I waited on the centre pillar and threw Cappy at it when it arrived, making a power moon come out! It took a while for it to come along but it was worth it :)

The Invisible Maze

I noticed a door on the cliff face from the island. I crossed over and went inside. It was a mini-challenge involving making the hidden platforms appear by capturing Moe-Eyes. I had to cross them using Mario though, so I had to memorise them when they went back to being invisible! Fun little challenge with a power moon at the end :)

Lost In The Luggage

Near a man whose car was stuck in an ice rock was a shining spot. I stomped on it and got this power moon.

Herding Sheep In The Dunes

A distressed shepherd was missing three of his sheep in the area. I rounded them up and was able to hurry them along by throwing Cappy at them. They had cool sombreros :) I was rewarded with a power moon.

Secret Of The Inverted Mural

I went into the inverted pyramid and played through the 2D portions with the Mario Galaxy-style reverse gravity bits on the wall. This continued on the outside wall with spawning Goombas. Toward the end was a hole in the wall which I jumped through and reached the power moon that was hidden beyond.

Showdown On The Inverted Pyramid

I climbed up to the top and the Broodals were flying around up there. This time the girl Broodal attacked for a boss battle. She threw explosive spiky balls at me. I hit them back at her with Cappy and was able to defeat her this way. She had a cool move where she retracted into her hat that was shaped like a UFO. I won another power moon.

The inverted pyramid raised up out of the ground and revealed some weird goings on underneath. Day turned to night as well.

Some nighttime desert exploring next time!

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