Sunday 22 October 2017

63 kirby planet robobot - meta knightmare new record: 1:28:16.62

Dear Readers,

Now for the final Lv6, which takes much longer than the others. Took me nearly 40 minutes last time.

The first part was a bit embarrassing when I lost two lives controlling the robo-Kirby thing. Ah well. I managed the Security Forces quite well, but they take their time blowing up when they're defeated!

I made it to the first checkpoint in about 12 minutes. The second one after 21:42.75.

After a buttload of mini-bosses and bosses, I finally came through with level completion time of 29:25.95 for Lv6, bringing my final time and new record for this mode to 1:28:16.62.

I beat all of my StreetPasser's final records for this mode, which is nice but I was still slightly behind one of them in my Lv6 record. Ah well. It's all good :)

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