Friday 27 October 2017

64 final fantasy explorers - the roof of the north cave, online coop with joseph and gobbie the goblin

Dear Readers,

At this point Joseph was EL 512 Paladin and I was EL 173 Knight. No Nova again sadly.

Quest 1: "A Legendary Knight"

3 star, 10 dragons. I thought we'd have a bit of fun with this again. Joe had this cool helicopter slashing move. Gobbie earned 708 EXP during this quest.

Quest 2: "Do The Monster Mash"

6 star, 50 monsters. Thought we'd do this for Halloween :) Joe became a Dark Knight and asked my opinion on his helmet. It was dark and matched the other dark colours he was wearing. He wanted to dazzle enemies before KO'ing them!

We started outside the Grand Crystal and fought our way to the desert. We skipped past Odin as he only counts as one monster.

Gobbie earned 1,758 EXP during this quest.

Quest 3: "The Legendary Ore Returns"

6 star, 3 Adamantoises. Nice short quest but I forgot how much EXP Gobbie earned.

Quest 4: "Gigantuar Get!"

6 star, summon and defeat Gigantuar. We fought some Cactuars and eventually the Gigantuar. We hung out on the roof of the cave on the north side of the desert for a while and defeated some enemies up there. It's a cool little place we hardly ever visit :) Gobbie earned 1,067 EXP since... I think the last time I checked. Not sure if it was all on this quest or not.

Quest 5: "Sirocco Succulent"

4 star, 15 Cactuars. Another excuse to hang out on that lesser-visited rooftop of the north cave :) It's nice up there! It would be a great place to bring a deckchair and a parasol and have a picnic :)

I got 3 Cactuar soul drops, which is pretty cool. Joe had this sweet water move that one shot all the enemies too. Gobbie earned 542 EXP here.

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