Friday 20 October 2017

63 final fantasy explorers - online co-op with joseph, cecil, kikayon and gobbie the goblin

Dear Readers,

At this point Joseph was EL 484 Paladin and I was EL 172 Knight. No Nova sadly but we were joined by Cecil, an EL 999 Freelancer and Kikayon, an EL 999 Machinist.

Quest 1: "A Legendary Knight"

3 star, any 10 dragons. The others were working on Endless Link surges while I seized the opportunity to surge my Resonance, which sped past 950, finally helping me to complete the subquest! Woo! There aren't any more Resonance related subquests. Up to now these ones lingered the most in my list.

Quest 2: "There Beyond The World's End"

9 star, Therion. The others flattened it in moments! I was hoping to get Verdant Geocrux drops but no luck unfortunately.

Quest 3: "Final Therion Encounter"

10 star, Therion. I thought we'd go right for the most difficult version of the Therion quest because I still wanted the drops and thought we'd have a better chance on a higher rank. The battle itself took a good long while and my thumb was really tired afterwards! Still no drops though. Ah well. After this, Kikayon left.

Quest 4: "A Legendary Knight"

3 star, any 10 dragons. Thought we'd do this again now that I was able to bring Gobbie along :) It was fun and Gobbie earned 999 experience points.

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