Wednesday 11 October 2017

59 kirby planet robobot - protec and atac against landia ex, 3,215 experience points, 100% clear and secrets!

Dear Readers,

Now for Quest EX; versus Guardian Angel Landia EX; a meaner looking, more teeth-baring version of the enemy from last time! I teamed up with Doctor Healmore, Hammer Lord and Beam Mage.

Holy guacamole. I got wiped out within moments and it's the first time in the whole of Team Kirby Clash that I got KO'd. We all got wiped out at some stage or other until we all got wiped out together. Yikes. We were all at level 6.

I decided to give it another go, but focused a lot more on defence and revival. As a Sword Hero I have a big force field of a shield so I used that a lot more and revived anyone who got knocked down. We were able to last into the second phase of the boss at least but what happened then was we ran out of time! Only 4 minutes to do this thing. I scored 1,500 experience points so there was a payout at least.

This boss is like DynaBlade except with four heads. It's hard to fight an enemy that's mostly airborne. For our third attempt we were successful! I spammed a lot of Upward Slashes and Sword Dives while also doing a lot of shielding and reviving. In other words, I had to atac as well as protec! :) I scored 3,215 points and got a silver medal. Clear time was 2:18.74.

Levelled up to 7 and got a 2 point fun bonus on Eye Sparkle :)

I then got messages of congratulations for completing all quests and for getting 100% clear on the whole game!

When I got to the menu, a bonus movie unlocked and a UFO appeared in the Copy Ability Room. The music also changed to a remix of the first level of the game.

An emblem appeared on the theatre icon. The last movie that unlocked was titled "Exclusive Performance Video". It was of Susie performing the whole Haltmann song in President Haltmann's office while he sat behind his desk and waved his hands like a conductor. They're father and daughter but here they are CEO and subordinate. I wonder if he knows that she's his long lost daughter?

I went back to the Story Mode and checked out the UFO ability. It's always a treat to find this in a Kirby game :) This one has a few cool new moves, such as a Star Guard that revolves around you and the Mystery Catch, which allows you to abduct enemies with a tractor beam! It's great fun :) I can only use it in the Story Mode though, so no other mode like The Arena.

No emblem on the Jukebox though. Ah well.

So that was Kirby Planet Robobot! Great game with loads and loads to do! I ought to come back to this again sometime :) maybe do a few StreetPass challenges, listen to the jukebox... Yeah! :)

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