Thursday 26 October 2017

21 zelda breath of the wild - purah's 100 year old "snap!" meme

Dear Readers,

I climbed up the huge flagpole in Hateno Village! I had to replenish stamina along the way a couple of times. Maybe I should upgrade...

I visted the windmill and the fields around it, sneaking up on and grabbing restless crickets. I chatted with Ralera, who was sitting under a tree. I asked her about her hometown, Lurelin Village.

Further up the hill the kids Sefaro and Azu were spying on the tech lab. I headed up the hill there, taking in the signs along the way that said things like "no soliciting!".

I entered the Lab and met Purah, a short girl. She referred me to Symin, who immediately recognised my slate and referred me back to the actual director, Purah! She remembers me but of course I don't remember her. She filled me in on some things and asked me to bring blue flame from the ancient furnace to light their furnace.

I went to get the flame with a torch and brought it all the way back, lighting lanterns along the way. I made the mistake of opening the door of the lab with the flame, which made it go out. Luckily there was the lantern I just lit nearby. I got the flame again and used it on the ancient furnace outside, which made a round circle light up.

Purah likes to say "Snap!". Reminds me of the old G.I. Joe meme from about a decade ago, the "These beats are so fresh! Snap!" :) So maybe this is an old meme from 100 years ago in Hyrule!

She repaired my Sheikah Slate and new features came up: a camera and album, Sheikah Sensor and Hyrule Compendium. She gave me subquests too about finding ancient materials. I can use these to upgrade Sheikah Slate features like bombs and stuff. I'll decide on upgrades later.

Now I can warp places too :) I warped back to Impa at Kakariko. The artist had a quest for me but I'll do that later, but don't know if I should, seeing how the villagers don't really want him to find the Great Fairy Fountain. Impa asked me to visit the places shown in the camera album. Zelda took these pictures. "Captured Memories" was the name of the quest. Will visit these places next time!

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