Sunday 29 October 2017

23 zelda breath of the wild - bolson's wood

Dear Readers,

I went looking for more restless crickets. I don't usually spot them until it's too late :/ I also delivered the wood to Bolson.

30 bundles of wood for Bolson. Now I just need to cough up 3,000 rupees for him to work on the house for me. The money will come along at some stage in the adventure I'm sure. He seems to sympathise with the struggle of a young person in affording stuff and making their way in the world, while at the same time putting the tough love on and lecturing about how the harsh experiences of life should be endured by a young person.

Harsh experiences like not being able to afford to buy and maintain a home? This game seems to speak to a generation, though I don't know if that's the intention! I wonder if I should see him as a tough role model or as an old jerk for telling me how to live my life?

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