Sunday 15 October 2017

16 zelda breath of the wild - mingling and training in kakariko

Dear Readers,

Now for more mingling in Kakariko village! It was a rainy night but I still found people to chat with.

I went to Claree's Enchanted clothes shop. She was having a special display of stealthy Sheikah stuff, which looks cool but is very expensive. There was a Rumour Mill book/magazine talking about some kind of Lover's Pond for the first volume. Interesting.

I found the 6th of Cado's Cuccos on top of the shop roof :)

I visited Dorian. He talked about how his wife was killed by the Yiga Clan :( He was looking over the little Koko and Cottla, who were sleeping soundly.

I went to Olkin and Mellie's house. They were sleeping but Mellie woke up. Olkin continued sleeping and worrying about his wife Mellie in his sleep :)

I found the 7th of Cado's Cuccos in their yard.

During the day I met Nanna. She knew exactly who I was because of my Sheikah Slate. She learned all about me from her mentor, the person whom I'm to see at Hateno Village later.

I found the 8th of Cado's Cuccos in her yard.

Steen was tending to Swift Carrots. Meanwhile Olkin tends to Fortified Pumpkins. They have disagreements on offence and defence :)

I found the 9th of Cado's Cuccos in the shed near the Swift Carrot field.

Mellie was looking after her plum garden. She's very proud of them! I'm glad she didn't see me fetch the Cucco out of there earlier :P

I looked everywhere for the 10th Cucco. Couldn't find it on any of the other house roofs, though it was fun climbing on them! I found it on the way to the shrine. Cado was so delighted he gave me a Purple Rupee prize worth 50! Money at last! :)

"Flown The Coop" was now complete! Poor guy still misses his wife though. :(

Ta'loh Naeg Shrine overlooks the village. I went there next and took on "Ta'loh Naeg's Teaching". This was a combat trial! I learned about Side Hops, Flurry Rushes, Backflips, Perfect Guard shield parries, and Charged Attacks against a little robot Guardian for practice. It smashed up when I finished the trial and the way opened forward. I got a Guardian Sword as well.

After the shrine I went to look for the Great Fairy. I found a footbridge leading to some weird platform that looked like the markings from the shrines but I didn't know what it was about. I went back to the beaten path and it led to the Fairy Fountain! The fairies there give 5 hearts back when I lose them all and I'm glad I finally found some :) I'm also glad I don't need bottles to contain them! Found lots of new materials like Endura Carrots and Silent Princesses.

The Great Fairy Cotera lives in some weird onion thing with prickles like a conker. She wouldn't come out because travellers hadn't given her rupees in a long time. She stuck out her hand and asked for 100 rupees. Yikes... I'll come back to her later as I only had 50. She said she'd help me do great things, I'm guessing like the Great Fairies did in the other games. I'll keep her in mind.

"Playtime with Cottla" came up when I chatted with her. I started with hide-and-seek. I found her by the dinner table, which meant it was too late.

Rola gave me a sidequest, to light the four torches by the Goddess Statue under the title "Arrows Of Burning Heat". I only had 3 fire arrows, but I had enough regular arrows. I used the fire nearby to light those arrows and light all four of the torches around the Goddess Statue. Rola was so pleased she gave me 20 rupees! She said she was separated from her husband... and yes her husband is Cado! She misses him too but wishes he was more interested in archery than in Cuccos. There doesn't seem to be any way to develop this more. Aw...:(

Anyway, my battery was getting so low that I got a message that said it was going to go into sleep mode. Back to the charger!

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