Monday 23 October 2017

18 zelda breath of the wild - between fort hateno and hateno village

Dear Readers,

I hung around Garill's fireplace to cook up some more food before heading off again.

I vistited Dr. Calip's house. He was researching something about breaking the seal on a shrine. I addressed him by his title and he opened up to me about his shrine research. This opened up "The Cursed Statue" shrine quest. I'll keep an "eye" out for it. Hehe. I'm guessing I need to shoot an arrow at the statue in question's eyes. Since he was so accommodating I decided to sleep in his bed, the first time I got to sleep in a bed :)

I met Agus and he gave me some Mighty Meaty Rice Balls as a reward for fighting some Chuchus that spawned near his little stall. It was worse for wear... He said something about folks selling the best stuff or cutting deals when the weather is bad like it was now. I must keep that in mind for the future!

I met Celessa who was retracing Princess Zelda's footsteps to learn about her journey. I met the fashion conscious Toma. I met a frightened looking female traveler, who turned out to be another of the Yiga! I defeated him but I lost my last two fairies and kept crouching by accident! I'm still pretty clumsy at battling in this game :(

I met Joute, who talked about an old horse training ground that was now infested with monsters.

A Bokoblin tried to attack me with a gardening hoe! I defeated it, but didn't have room for the hoe. I wonder if I can actually go gardening in this game? I wasn't curious enough to make room for it.

I met Nat and Meghyn, who were ambushed by Bokoblins. They were looking for hearty truffles. I eventually got a chance to use the farming hoes and pitchforks the local Bokoblins were using. There were plenty of them!

I eventually made it to Hateno Village! Woohoo! A farmer named Thadd at the gate eyed me suspiciously and asked who I was. He was on guard duty. He let me through since I was a Hylian. He told me to stay away from a yappy old woman who lived here. I'm guessing she's the one I was seeking here. That's how these things normally work anyway :)

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