Wednesday 4 October 2017

54 kirby planet robobot - team kirby clash - gigant edge, 1,315 experience points

Dear Readers,

Now to try this game for the first time. The first quest was versus Gigant Edge. I chose the Sword Hero. I had no other players so the game gave me a CPU controlled Doctor Healmore teammate.

This is pretty fun! It's obviously inspired by the likes of Monster Hunter and MMORPGs. It's a much faster and arcade oriented boss fight in the Kirby style but has the highlights of the boss fights of those role-playing games.

Food appears occasionally, the boss has a second phase where it gets angry and there's even a special co-op move where players unite powers to launch a big attack.

We beat the boss and I scored 1,126 experience in 1:34.25, earning a silver medal. My character levelled up as well so that's pretty interesting!

I had another go at it. My teammate was now a Beam Mage and we beat the boss in 1:00.20 and earned 1,315 experience points, earning us a gold medal. Woo!

"Puffiness increased by 3! (Not that it matters.)" was another stat boost and was a nice reference to the Computer Virus boss from Great Cave Offensive :)

This game doesn't have online multi-player, only local. It has single cart download play at least.

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