Sunday 12 November 2017

12 super mario odyssey - bounding in the nineties!

Dear Readers,

Cappy and I could now go to the Snow Kingdom! We went there straight away.

Frost-Frosted Cake was this area's special thing.

We arrived at a very bad time! A mighty blizzard was here and I could barely see anything besides the path to the first checkpoint. I went to that glowing spot in the deep snow and fell down into an underground town, Shiveria!

The Shiverian people got spooked but were welcoming. I love their big wooly onesies :)

Entrance To Shiveria

This power moon was at the entrance to the town. Just had to wall jump with help from the tall stack of cardboard boxes.

Up ahead we found out that their Frost-Frosted Cake was stolen by Bowser. Shucks.

Shining In The Snow In Town

I climbed up the pole to an upper section. I used more poles to cross to the other side and in the big snowdrift I found another power moon.

The Shiverian Treasure Chest

I continued along the path and at the end was a treasure chest with this power moon inside.

Atop A Blustery Arch

I went through the leftmost door into a cavern with these big clouds called Ty-foos and some Spinies were here as well. No sign of Lakitu though. Maybe one of those giant Ty-foo clouds ate him... Man I'd love to capture a Spiny... Instead I was able to capture a Ty-foo and use it to exhale strong winds. I blew a staircase out of the way of my path and back again. There was a power moon in the stompable crack on top of the arch.

The Gusty Barrier

At the end of this cavern I blew all the Spinies off the platform and got this power moon as a reward. It also opened one of the four barriers. Now for the other three doors!

Behind Snowy Mountain

Through the second door from the left was a mountain trail with lots of tornadoes sprouting from the ground. Just before the part with the Broodals and in the corner of the platform with the last tornado was a secret snowy passage that lead to this power moon.

The Snowy Mountain Barrier

The Broodals attacked again! It was the lanky one I fought again and he was throwing two hats instead of one this time. Not too easy to fight on the ice! I managed to beat him though and win this power moon, which also opened the second barrier.

The Ice Wall Barrier

Through the third door was a mesh of narrow paths around cold water and five moon pieces to collect. There were also these shadows that followed me and emerged as these big columns with snapping jaws at the top. Kinda like reverse Thwomps in a way but fun to use for climbing! I had to use them to climb up after collecting the moon pieces.

Treasure In The Ice Wall

Before leaving this area, I grabbed the ledge above and climbed over to a treasure chest with this power moon inside.

Ice-Dodging Goomba Stack

The fourth and final door lead to a dangerous icicle cavern. Icicles dropped when I got near their shadows. Very dangerous icy paths above a big chasm too. Good thing I had Goombas to capture! I made a stack of 4 and came across a Goomba-shaped switch with the number 4 on it. Very unusual to see a switch like this! I stepped on it and it revealed this power moon nearby.

The Icicle Barrier

I continued along this path and used the icicles to break open the way to this power moon at the end. This opened up the last barrier and the races could start again!

The Bound Bowl Grand Prix

Since the Frost-Frosted Cake was stolen, a multi moon was now the prize for the race! I had to take part :) I wasn't able to take part myself as I didn't have a round enough body, but someone with stage fright wouldn't come out of the waiting room and I was able to capture him and enter the race anyway! :)

I got to do a bit of training. This was a good chance to suss out some racing methods! I learned that many good bounds in a row get rewarded with a little boost.

I started the 3 lap race with this in mind and kept it up as much as I could. I won first place :) I did it in 01:07.74 and my best lap was 00:20:94. I watched a livestream of this recently and they played "Running in the 90s" while they raced! It was lots of fun :)

Afterwards everyone was congratulating me and asking me for my autograph :) I got the multi moon prize and the heavy blizzard from earlier cleared up! Yay!

I also checked my position in online rankings. I was last in my friend rankings but very close. In the world rankings I came 234,820th.

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