Tuesday 7 November 2017

8 super mario odyssey - new donk city or bust!

Dear Readers,

I went back to that Fuzzy area with the ledges but couldn't find any other moons. Ah well. Onward to taking care of the Broodals in the Lake Kingdom. After that, the Metro Kingdom! Or at least, that was the plan...

Broodals Over The Lake

This time the lanky Broodal attacked. His hat I could use as a springboard to land on his head. After a few hits I sent them packing and collected the multi moon.

After this we powered up the Odyssey and flew to the Metro Kingdom. On the way there we caught up with Bowser! We stopped at the Cloud Kingdom to confront him.

Boss time with Bowser! He jumped down to meet us for a fight on the big cloud platform. He'd throw his hat at us but we could knock it down and grab it. Then we used the boxing gloves fitted inside to attack him.

It's kinda strange to see him with his hair combed over like that. Usually he has it flowing wildly.

It's not a difficult battle but it's pretty easy to die. I died enough times for an opportunistic shopkeeper to show up and offer me an extra heart for a price. I didn't bother. Also, as long as I recollected the 10 coins I dropped, There was no real loss. Just practise all I liked without fear of losing anything except time :)

The third time I attacked him with the boxing gloves, he put up a shield and tried to tail whip me. It was getting a bit like Punch-Out!! there :)

After defeating him he got back on his ship and fired his cannons at us, making us crash down on the Lost Kingdom. It was an island in a poisonous goop of an ocean and the Odyssey was busted! On top of that, a big bird swooped down and grabbed Cappy!

Inside The Stone Cage

I climbed a bit and stomped on one of the pillars to reveal an entrance in the stone cage. Power moon inside.

Further on I got to the bird and used the same pillar stomping technique to knock Cappy free from it. Almost immediately I captured a Tropical Wiggler and used its body to stretch across gaps. It made an accordion sound when I did this and it's so awesome :)

On A Tree in The Swamp

I navigated around the small lake here and climbed steps and stretched over to collect this power moon.

Inside The Rising Stone Pillar

In the staircase I used to reach this area there was a power moon hidden around the backside of it.

Below The Cliff's Edge

Nearby again and just off the cliff was this power moon on a ledge.

Wrecked Rock Block

Again in this area I threw Cappy at these guys with grabby gloves who then exploded and I used them to break the cracked block that was glowing. Power moon inside.

A Propeller Pillar's Secret

On the rotating pillar with the cross-shaped platform, the centre made the Joy-Cons rumble so I stomped and this power moon popped out.

Atop A Propeller Pillar

On another similar pillar nearby was another power moon out in the open.

On The Mountain Road

I went back to the first propeller pillar (try saying that ten times quickly) and continued up the mountain road. I used those grabby explodey enemies to clear a path and along the way was a glowing spot I could stomp to get the power moon.

Enjoying The View Of Forgotten Isle

I wall jumped to the top of the mountain and there was a Toad up here with a shop. On top of the tree was another power moon.

Soaring Over Forgotten Isle

I met Glydon up here, a gliding enthusiast. I captured him and went gliding! Great fun :) I glided over to a small island way out in the purple goop. This power moon was here.

I used the catapult here to fling myself back to the mainland and near to where the Odyssey was. We had enough moons to repair it so we got up and running again! Onward finally, to Metro Kingdom! I bet this whole Bowser encounter and Lost Kingdom crash was one big tease :) Everybody wants to go to New Donk City!

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