Friday 3 November 2017

4 super mario odyssey - why cap kingdom was the best place to celebrate halloween

Dear Readers,

I headed to the Cap Kingdom instead of the Wooded Kingdom for now, because it's a Halloweeny place and it was still Halloween during this session :) I'm glad I was able to access it now!

The reason why I feel this place is so Halloweeny is because the music has that style, the iron railings and lanterns have lush old timey designs and the people who live here are basically ghosts with top hats and big Banjo-Kazooie eyes. It's a great Halloween hangout :)

Lots of changes here. No longer a tutorial area but a full fledged area of its own to go power moon hunting!

My heart sang with joy when I captured a Para-Goomba and gained flying abilities! Flying is one of my favourite things in Mario games and I was really happy to be able to do this again! I flew all around, into the cloud banks to collect coins and see other interesting stuff. Interesting to see how the local Cap people reacted to the Paragoomba... they didn't like this form.

They said there was someone else on top of the Top-Hat Tower. Before I went to check it out, I found a backdoor and went inside.

Skimming The Poison Tide

Inside the back door of the Top-Hat Tower was a platforming challenge involving Paragoombas. I had to collect moon pieces by flying just above the purple poison waves to collect them. Nice test of depth perception and shadows! It was a fun little challenge :)

Slipping Through The Poison Tide

That wasn't all there was to this area! Beneath that very platform were iron bars with a gap in them. I flew through here to find another power moon! The rules of my flying abilities kinda changed though... It was kinda like Gargoyle's Quest gliding rules now only without the stamina limit.

Cap Kingdom Timer Challenge 1

In front of the Top-Hat Tower was a scarecrow. Throwing Cappy on it started a timed challenge to race back across the bridge to get the power moon.

I climbed the tower again with the help of the frogs. On the top of the tower were more of the Cap Kingdom people assessing the damage after they were attacked. I went through a platform challenge door.

Push-Block Peril

An abstract platforming challenge with shifting blocks and Spark pylons. Fun and challenging but not too difficult :) There was a power moon at the end of it.

Good Evening, Captain Toad!

None other than Captain Toad was at the top of the tower! Very nice to see him again :) He was looking for power moons too. He climbed up here to see the big full moon and found a power moon along the way, which he kindly gave to me. Great to have him helping me along again :) He stayed to look at the moon while I went off to the other side of the kingdom to do another platforming challenge.

Searching The Frog Pond

This bonus challenge room wasn't all pitfalls this time. Instead it was a lovely playful frog pond with frogs to capture and really tall platform jumping. Here I had to collect 5 moon pieces and they were a joy to collect, even if I kept falling off because it was joyful instead of painful :) Nice cache of coins in the wall where the groove is as well!

Secrets Of The Frog Pond

Also in this room was a whole power moon pretty high up in an L-shaped groove in the wall. Easily found by surveying the area.

Wow I just noticed that Mario's oxygen gauge refill sound is the exact same as the Splatoon sub-weapon reload sound!

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