Wednesday 8 November 2017

9 super mario odyssey - too-realistic bad weather in the city

Dear Readers,

Finally! The Metro Kingdom! I didn't come at a good time though. It was in the middle of a very stormy night and there was big trouble on one of the skyscrapers. The rain looks awesome and a little too much like what the weather's like here irl now.

Bowser's stupid wedding posters were plastered everywhere too.

Mayor Pauline was here and was preoccupied with all the trouble that was going on. Lots of dudes in sharp suits here saying "Fuggedaboutit!" and using other big city lingo. That's pretty funny :) I used a power line to get across.

Not a great time to go exploring... Bad weather, exploding bugs, road blocks... not good at all. I grabbed a tank and smashed up a few obstacles. I could smash up taxis as well! Yikes!

Inside An Iron Girder

The path continued along narrow iron girders. At the end I could turn around, go inside, and at the end of this iron girder tunnel was a power moon.

Girder Sandwich

After the girder, the path continued through dangerous streets where I kept the Sherm. All until the end, where the path continued up some steps. Before going up there I went to the edge of the road and found a path along a girder that continued all the way to a power moon.

Swaying In The Breeze

Up the stairs and further up the path was an iron girder swaying. At the end of it was a power moon.

City Hall Lost & Found

I went inside the building at the end of the path. After climbing a while, there was another pole above the one I was climbing. I wall jumped to it and continued along this path to reach a chest with this moon inside.

After all this climbing outside and inside, I went outside again and I still hadn't climbed high enough. A guy here was worried about a friend of his that went up further and hadn't come back. I climbed further using the power line. His friend was up there and safe. He was looking at this big electrifying centipede thing that was sucking up all the power. Bowser was flying around here as well! I got knocked ALL the way down to the ground by the big metal creature. It's really weird to see Mario be able to take such a fall without any damage! It helps in a place like this though!

New Donk City's Pest Problem

The big metal creature followed me down and it was boss time again. I captured a Sherm and shot out the glowing segments on its body. It also retaliated by warping, shooting fire and marching at me. After a couple of rounds of blasting it it was defeated :) Multi moon reward and it stopped raining finally :)

Can't wait to explore the city properly next time!

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