Thursday 30 November 2017

30 super mario odyssey - northwest sand kingdom power moons

Dear Readers,

Today I continued Power Moon hunting at the northwest building in the Sand Kingdom.

Sand Kingdom Regular Cup

Very long race clear across the kingdom! From this building all the way to Tostarena at the beginning! I like this cross country idea! I took the power line all the way and got first place with a time of 00:37.79, putting me at position 298,496 in the world rankings and last in my friend rankings.

Sand Kingdom Master Cup

I did the powerline strategy again and came first again, though it was close. It's also pretty cool the way these races take place at night. I got a time of 00:34.69, putting me at position 97,806 in the world rankings and second in my friend rankings. Big jump!

The Bullet Bill Maze: Side Path

I went through the door near where I met the Koopa into an area where I had to use Bullet Bills to fly across the poison goop corridors. One area off the main path lead to this Power Moon.

The Bullet Bill Maze: Break Through!

Got a nice reward by continuing this area to the end. Going through those revolving doors without touching them was a fun challenge.

Welcome Back, Jaxi!

I went back to the top of the inverted pyramid. One of the corners didn't have a Jaxi statue, so I brought one into place. It shared some memories as it sat there.

Jaxi Reunion!

I brought Jaxi all the way to the southeast part of the map where there was a lone Jaxi statue facing an empty spot on the platform. I put my Jaxi in place and it reminisced about meeting up with family :)

Hidden Room In The Inverted Pyramid

I went inside the inverted pyramid through the top. I went over to the conveyor belt and waited a while. It lead me into a treasure filled room!

Sand Kingdom Timer Challenge 2

I went to the isolated island and stepped on the P Switch. A little platform challenge appeared with a key to gather on an invisible platform. Had to be quick about it too.

Skull Sign In The Transparent Maze

I went back into the cave on the opposite cliff to the isolated island and Cappy said there was another Power Moon to be found. I threw him at the skull sign and the Power Moon popped out :)

In The Skies Above The Canyon

I rode the platforms near the top of the tower to reach this Power Moon at the end. I had to jump for it and land on the platform below.

An Invisible Gleam

One of the pillars on the isolated island had a rumbly top.

On The North Pillar

I had to ride a powerline from the top of the inverted pyramid and leap off midway to land on this pillar.

Freezing Waterway: Hidden Room

To the east of the inverted pyramid I found a chimney and warped into an area with goopy floors and Gushens to capture and fly over the goop by shooting water. One path branched off to the left and had this Power Moon at the end.

Through The Freezing Waterway

I continued to the end of this cool cave. Love the Gushens and these hovering challenges felt pretty original :)

Secret Path To New Donk City!

Found a warp painting on a pillar to the south of the inverted pyramid. Nice surprise :) I can't wait to visit New Donk City properly again! This just led to an isolated rooftop and I couldn't reach anywhere else. Well, I could've used the Cappy warp but that was it. I'll explore the city again later.

Love At The Edge Of The Desert

To the east of the northwest building was a lady Goomba! Only thing is, the only Goombas in this area I knew of were all the way back at the ruins. I had to capture one there and run all the way across the desert just to meet her.

With that love story happy ending I thought it was a good time to stop for now! Even more to do in the Sand Kingdom next time :)

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