Tuesday 21 November 2017

21 super mario odyssey - exploring the cap kingdom for more power moons

Dear Readers,

I headed back to the Cap Kingdom, where a whole bunch of energy gathered in a block like the one I saw back on the moon. I decided to check it out.

It looked pretty different around here since the last time I was around. There were flying machines up and running.

Peach In The Cap Kingdom

I met Princess Peach here! All part of her world trip :) She was dressed in all black. Very Gothy :) Tiara's travelling with her too. They gave me a power moon.

I captured a Paragoomba and flew over to that moon rock and threw Cappy at it. It started rolling and rumbling and split into loads of power moons that scattered everywhere in the kingdom!

Danger Sign

I flew out to the southwest part of the map where a power moon was floating just above a danger sign.

Taking Notes: In The Fog

I flew to the west of the Central Plaza and completed a note gathering event with a Power Moon reward.

Next To Glasses Bridge

I flew to this platform just off of the bridge to collect this Power Moon.

Bonneter Blockade

A Bonneter was protecting a Power Moon in his house from Paragoombas. I went over to him as one and he got out of the way in terror. Poor guy :)

Bird Travelling In The Fog

I noticed a glowing bird flying around the kingdom. I chased it with a Paragoomba and retrieved this Power Moon.

Hidden In A Sunken Hat

To the east of the central plaza was a hat building with a glowing pole on top. Power Moon inside.

Caught Hopping Near The Ship!

I chased a rabbit near the ship for its Power Moon.

The Forgotten Treasure

One of the Bonneters asked about a treasure. Cappy guided me all around the place until we got to a spot near Glasses Bridge that rumbled and had a Power Moon buried underneath.

Cap Kingdom Timer Challenge 2

A scarecrow at the bottom right corner of the plaza opened up this brief challenge.

Precision Rolling

I entered a chimney in the central plaza like a warp pipe. There was a special area that was all centred around rolling. A small path to the left had a Power Moon at the end of it. I immediately fell down afterwards lol.

Roll On And On

At the end of this section was a Power Moon. Nice chance for lots of coin rings too!

Frog-Jumping Above The Fog

I captured a frog near the beginning and jumped off to the south, revealing some hidden coin blocks and climbing up to this Power Moon.

Spin The Hat, Get A Prize

I spun the hat above Glasses Bridge and this Power Moon leaped out.

Fog-Shrouded Platform

On the northwest corner of the plaza, I found a platform with a glowing Power Moon spot.

More Power Moons to find in this place next time!

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