Wednesday 15 November 2017

15 super mario odyssey - poking around bowser's castle

Dear Readers,

Now for Bowser's Castle! I was surprised to see it was an ancient Japanese style castle. Pretty cool :)

Stack Up Above The Wall

Through the doors were many Goombas. I made a stack out of all of them and pressed the Goomba 10 switch that was around the corner. Got the power moon on the wall.

The kingdom was all spread across several mountain tops. Taking the power line played some nice sitar-like plucking :)

I captured a Pokio! With these little birds I couldn't fly but I could poke my beak into the wall and spring up along the wall this way. Made for a nice attack too.

Behind The Big Wall

I climbed on the wall and looked around on the other side for this power moon that was tucked away back there.

Taking Notes: Between Spinies

Across to the next section there was a note collecting event while avoiding Spinies for this power moon.

Infiltrate Bowser's Castle!

Up ahead was a big statue thing that liked hitting things with a big rock. One stomp on its head from me and it was another power moon earned and the way forward opened.

Poking Your Nose In The Plaster Wall

Before I zipped away on the power line I explored around and found another ledge with a Pokio. I used it to poke the only metal panel in the wall that was opened and this power moon popped out.

Poking The Turret Wall

Up ahead were these bombs rolling out all over the place. I could use the Pokios to bat them toward the crumbling blocks. To the left of the two dispensers was a hole I could poke for another power moon.

Treasure Inside The Turret

Around this turret was another power moon tucked away. There was a way to get there by poking around the wall, but I dropped in from above while on the roof.

Smart Bombing

There were moon pieces to collect throughout this area for another power moon.

From The Side Above The Castle Gate

Another power moon on the gate that just opened. I wasn't sure if this was the right way to do this, but I stood on the narrow fence and back-flipped up to grab the ledge. It felt awkward. Then I found the invisible blocks under the opposite ledge. Haha :)

The next section had signs of civilisation where I could relax! There was a souvenir shop here.

Underground Jizo

I captured a Jizo statue. I hopped down to the square-shaped groove in what looked like a Zen garden and dropped down into a secret burrow with more statues. I lined mine up with the rest and this power moon popped out.

I zipped to the next section and it turns out those Jizo Statues can help me find treasure patches to stomp! I found an extra heart and some little yellow Goombas, which couldn't hurt me lol.

Exterminate The Ogres!

On one of the roofs was a power line to a section far away with those rock carrying creatures I now know as Ogres. Defeating them unlocked this power moon.

Big Broodal Battle

Another Broodal battle! Only two of them left so it does look like they only have two battles in them each. This time the female one attacked again. She had pigtails this time so she had two spiky balls as part of her attack pattern.

After I defeated her, I stood on the other platform and the green one showed up alone to attack. He had his same attack pattern but this time with even more hats! It took a bit of patience but he wasn't too much trouble either.

The golden Bowser statues burst when I defeated the last of the Broodals and a power moon popped out. The way forward opened too into the main courtyard. Dramatic music played now! It was like an eastern version of the Bowser theme from Super Mario Bros. 3 and very nicely done :)

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