Saturday 18 November 2017

18 super mario odyssey - journey through moon heck

Dear Readers,

Now to explore the lava filled underground cavern of the moon.

Under The Bowser Statue

The right Bowser statue I was able to capture and move to reveal a power moon underneath.

Around The Barrier Wall

Much further ahead at the Bullet Bill crossing I got stranded on a platform, but it had a Power Moon on it! Silver linings!

This part was kinda mean! Especially when I turned back to Mario and couldn't reach a platform with 6 hit points! Then it was just me leaping out of the lava in pain more times than I should before dying. Not the best way to go.

Later on I got to capture a Chargin' Chuck! I usually detest these guys but this time I can play as them and charge forever! This is the first time I actually appreciated these guys :)

Up ahead was the mother of the Broodals with her Chain Chomp again! This time with more hats! It took me a few tries before I was able to get past her. No replenishing hearts during this battle.

The way out lead back to the surface on Ever-After Hill and a straight path to the chapel. The wedding bells were ringing.

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