Monday 13 November 2017

13 super mario odyssey - swimming with the podoboos and fryin' with the fry pan bros. also, meet meat mario!

Dear Readers,

I powered up the Odyssey once again and headed towards the Luncheon Kingdom.

Stupendous Stew is the big attraction here. No doubt Bowser was after it!

When we arrived the Broodals were already here. Someone was flying above them and had a speech balloon with a picture of meat inside.

So this area is like the hot place. Not exactly lava but very hot pink liquid were off the platforms. The drum tribal beat is pretty nice here.

Love Above The Lava

I gathered some chef hat wearing Goombas and used a giant corn cob to go over to the female Goomba, who gave me a power moon.

There were Podoboos here and I was able to capture them! Or as they're called in this game, Lava Bubbles. Not sure when they got their name changed. Feels great to play as them and swim through the lava :)

Luncheon Kingdom Timer Challenge 1

I climbed up on the wall after the lava crossing and made my way along the wall towards the Odyssey. I captured the scarecrow here and a little wall kicking time challenge appeared to collect this moon.

Lurking In The Pillar's Shadow

On the opposite wall I could hear shimmering sounds. I took a good look around with the camera to see a moon in the wall below.

Piled On The Salt

I continued running around on the wall tops and found this power moon at the end on a big pile of salt.

The Broodal's Are After Some Cookin'

I went to face the Broodals, who had already stolen the Stupendous Stew for Bowser's wedding. This time the big one attacked me again. He had the same attack pattern as last time. Not sure what was different about it if anything. The tall Broodal was missing for some reason... Maybe they only last for two fights? Anyway I got the power moon for defeating him. :)

Corner Of The Magma Swamp

After the battle and before I crossed the bridge, I went through the bonus door that was underneath. This power moon was just around the corner from the begging of the bonus area.

Magma Swamp: Floating And Sinking

Throughout this area were platforms that took turns sinking into and rising from the pink magma. I collected 5 moon pieces and collected the power moon at the end.

Across the bridge to Mount Volbono, where I met people shaped like forks! They were freaking out about the big bird I saw at the beginning going after some food like that big piece of meat that was up there too. They had a nice stew going and I threw a few ingredients in to gather coins. Yum :)

Is This An Ingredient Too?

I found this power moon in a crate between the two buildings.

Golden Turnip Recipe 1

There were three turnips next to the shop. One of them was golden. I threw this into the stew and got a tasty power moon out of it.

I got to do more exploring with Lava Bubbles and found another bonus area with some girders around. I was able to go through the girders with the lava bubble, which is pretty cool :)

Fork Flickin' To The Summit

Bouncing up with the forks was cool but so was trying to see what Cappy's path was through those things that make him fly in different directions. Had to stop and think it through now and again :)

Fork Flickin' Detour

This power moon was just to the right of the last set of forks. Just had to flick in its direction.

I left and ventured further as a Lava Bubble until I reached some Hammer Bros, who were throwing frying pans. I captured one for the first time! I was able to knock out the cheese-like obstacles from another bonus room back along and around the corner. The Hammer Bros have a little skip going on! They were always very tricky enemies! Never saw their hairstyle before...

Climb The Cheese Rocks

This bonus area was around the corner from where I entered this particular area and had loads of cheese obstacles. I captured a Hammer Bro and climbed this cheesy staircase in the corner to collect this power moon.

Excavate 'n' Search The Cheese Rocks

The rest of the Cheese Rocks I could just lash into with frying pans until I uncovered 5 power moon pieces and collected the power moon without worrying about breaking away platforms.

Under The Cheese Rocks

Back outside, I cleared more cheese rocks until I found a lever that opened up the next Power Moon, which made more platforms appear.

Light The Langern On The Small Island

Up ahead was a small island with a lantern. I used a Lava Bubble to light it and won this power moon.

Big Pot On The Volcano: Dive In!

I climbed all the way up the mountain and actually captured the big piece of meat! All I could do was twitch. However, doing this shook off the salt and the big bird spotted me. He grabbed me and threw me into the big mountain pot. I turned back to Mario and hopped across the various floating ingredients in the rough waters of the stew and simply grabbed the multi moon at the end.

The big bird spotted me and started flapping, as if I was a fly it was trying to blow away. Then the volcano erupted! It shot the big pot up into the air and stayed flowing like a geyser. I landed all the way back at the Odyssey of course!

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