Tuesday 14 November 2017

14 super mario odyssey - ruined kingdom, the dark souls of mario odyssey kingdoms

Dear Readers,

I decided to move on and deal with the erupting volcano later. Next up is Bowser's Kingdom! Or so we thought...

On the way, Bowser appeared outside on top of a huge photo realistic dragon that shot a purple laser and made the Odyssey crash down into the Ruined Kingdom.

This place was all grey with weathered stonework and full of despair. I don't know if anyone has described this place as like something out of Dark Souls but I will anyway. There were also all these bats flying everywhere. The audio sounded like it was recorded in a cave but this was out in the open. Ah well. This place is pretty cool and gloomy.

In The Ancient Treasure Chest

On the left side of the path upwards was a little ledge I could climb across to reach a treasure chest with this power moon inside.

Along the path were these weird yellow-handled things lodged in the ground. The one at the end of the path I pulled out to reveal a power line that lead to the top of a huge tower, where a boss fight with the dragon happened.

Battle With The Lord Of Lightning!

The dragon made electrifying saw blade hoops roll after me before tiring out and flopping its head on the ground, causing shockwaves. I then had to pull more yellow-handled things out of its head before stomping on it. This routine I had to do three times and each time there were more sawblades and yellow things.

I died here a few times, one of which out of curiosity by trying to climb on the defeated dragon's wings and falling off! I had to do the fight over again after that! Oh well! The multi moon reward helped us get the Odyssey running again.

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